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Boston: Spreading the Fa on the Campus of MIT (Photos)

May 4, 2012

(Minghui.org) From April 20 to 22, the MIT campus was open to future freshmen and their parents. Many student organizations set up booths, welcoming and introducing themselves to the new students. The Falun Dafa Club at MIT also participated in the event.


New students talking to practitioners

On April 20, practitioners held a group exercise activity in front of the student center. Many students and parents watched it. A girl who will be a freshman in the mechanical engineering department learned the exercises and joined the group. She felt great afterwards and asked for more information about Falun Gong.

On the 21st, practitioners set up a booth. More than 1000 people came to the event. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises on the stage and told the audience about the persecution in China. Many students left their contact information, expressing an interest in joining the Falun Dafa Club.