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With Belief in Dafa Lady Quits Smoking in Three Days

May 4, 2012 |   By Miaozhen, a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) I went out grocery shopping one day in 2006. Since it was hot, I sat down near a recycling facility. I saw several people there, so I tried to clarify the truth to them.

There was an elderly lady in her fifties who's complexion looked poor and depressed. I asked her, “How is your health, not very good?” She said, “Yes, I do have some embarrassing problems.” I joked with her, "What kind of embarrassing problems could you have at your age?" She said, “My younger sister helped my daughter watch her child. One afternoon she said that she needed to use the bathroom, and never came back. It has been more than five years. We don't know if she is still alive or not. I spent all my money looking for her, and I can't sleep at night. I smoke two packs of cigarettes every day. I can't quit smoking at all. My heart is in pain and I have to leave the doors and windows open all the time.”

After hearing that I said, “I have a solution to help you quit smoking, but you need to truly believe it.” She asked, “Really? How much does it cost?” I said, “It doesn't cost anything as long as you truly believe in it.” She said, “As long as it can help me quit smoking, I will believe in it.” I said, “You just need to recite, 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'” She asked, “It will work just by reciting these words?” I told her yes, and she indeed believed it. I then told her about my changes after I began practicing Falun Gong. Actually she was only one year older than me, but she looked more than ten years older. Just by comparing our appearance, she believed me. I also gave her my address.

After three days, she came to my home and told me happily, “You weren't fooling. I indeed quit smoking!” She told me how she quit. She said that that night after she went back home, she could not fall asleep so she kept reading those words. She didn't know when she fell asleep. After she got up the next morning, she felt energetic, so she decided to mop the floor. She lit up a cigarette, but after just two puffs, it didn't taste good. She didn't feel like throwing it away, so she put it out and set it aside. After she finished mopping the floor, she continued to smoke but it tasted even worse, so she had to stop. On the second day she tried to smoke again, but still could not stand it. On the third day, she no longer felt like smoking at all.

The lady's grandson saw this and asked her what happened. She told him that another lady told her to read, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,” which helped her to quit smoking. The grandson realized that it was Falun Gong that helped her quit. He told his grandmother, “You can't let that lady come to our home. She will poison our food when we aren't looking, then throw me out of the window.” This boy was deeply poisoned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda. I later told the woman the truth about the Tiananmen Square self-immolation case, and she then told her grandson about it. After he learned the truth, he came to my home, and I told him about the benefits of Falun Dafa. The little boy immediately quit the youth league and young pioneers of the CCP. He previously had poor grades, but was later finally admitted into a very good school. He said that Master Li helped him to get a great score. I told him, “You must thank Master and follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.”

She later told a friend her story about quitting smoking. Her friend had high blood pressure and asked if it would also help to reduce her blood pressure. She brought her friend to my home and I said to her friend, “You are different from her. She was persuaded by me, but you came by yourself.” After they sat down, I told them in detail about the truth of Falun Gong. I told them what Master said about the relationship between sickness and karma. While I talked, her friend started running a fever. I said, “Look, you believe in Dafa and came to me. Master has already started to take care of you.” I told her that Master was helping her to eliminate her karma and push it outside of her body, and that she would recover as long as she could endure it. She had good perception and said that she could endure it.

After she returned home, her daughter asked her, “Why does your blood pressure go down when you have a fever?” She replied that someone told her to read, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Her daughter said, “Is it Falun Gong?” The mother said yes. The daughter then said, “Good, you can read it.” Thus the mother read these words every day, and every day she spit out a small piece of black bloody stuff about the size of a nail. On the fifth day, her fever was gone. When she washed herself, she spit out another piece of black bloody stuff about the size of a table tennis ball. She told me that it was like two doors were opened in her heart, and she had never felt so light and bright before. She was so excited that she immediately called her husband in their hometown, who worked as a high-level government official in the province and told him, “I practiced Falun Gong and my health has recovered.” Her husband was so scared that he came back by air the same night and told her, “It is good. You can practice at home, just don't talk about it on the phone.” He also reminded her to pay attention to security.

Because of the miracles of Dafa and Master's compassion, both ladies started to practice cultivation. The first woman came from a rural area, where no one had ever heard about Falun Gong. Since then, every time she goes back to her hometown, I give her lots of truth-clarification materials. Many people in her hometown now believe that Falun Dafa is good, including her children. More than a year after she started cultivation, her lost sister also returned. She was so excited that she kowtowed to Master again and again to thank Master for saving her sister's life. It was Master who helped the sisters to reunite after being separated for more than six years.

This miraculous story happened during my truth-clarification. I am very pleased that they learned the truth and were saved.