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Ms. Chen Shuling Arrested; Her Whole Family Affected

Nov. 10, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Chen Shuling from Koulidongyaozi Village, Zhangjiakou City, was arrested on October 4, 2013, for distributing informational materials about Falun Gong in the Meicheng Residential Area. Officers from the Dajingman Police Station made the arrest.

Ms. Chen's daughter was playing downstairs at home when she saw two police cars surround the front of the building. When she went closer to find out what happened, she saw that her mother's hands were handcuffed behind her back. Anxious, she called out, “What's going on?” Her mom replied, “I am innocent.”

The child asked when her mother would be back. The police replied, “Tomorrow.”

When Ms. Chen's daughter went back inside, she noticed that all Falun Gong books, the photo of the practice's founder, a tablet computer, and a desktop computer were taken.

After Ms. Chen's son heard of his mother's arrest, he hurried back home to take care of his little sister. As a result, he lost his job.

Ms. Chen's husband, who works out of town, got a call from the police, telling him to come home to take care of his daughter. He returned home the next day. By then, his wife had already been sent to the Shisanli Detention Center.

Later, Ms. Chen's husband received another call from the police, telling him to go to the precinct to pick up his wife's belongings. When he got there on October 8, the police informed him that the Public Security Bureau still wanted to keep his desktop computer, because they had to check if there were any Falun Gong-related things on it. They also planned to keep Ms. Chen's Falun Gong books and tablet computer.

Ms. Chen's husband told the police: “Falun Gong is really good. My wife had a lot of illnesses before. After she practiced Falun Gong, all of her illnesses disappeared. If you take her books, what will she read when she comes back?”

Ms. Chen used to have a hot temper. She often fought with her husband, and their relationship was once on the brink of divorce. After she started practicing Falun Gong, however, she was able to improve her relationship with him by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearnce. Her husband has told many people that if she didn't practice Falun Gong, they would have ended their marriage long ago.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Dajingman Police Station: +86-313-8687384, +86-313-8022981
The police officer who called Ms. Chen's husband: +86-18931335985 (Cell)
Wang Haibin, deputy director, Dajingman Police Station: +86-13663336686 (Cell)
Han Dongjiang, deputy director, Dajingman Police Station
Zhang Lihai, deputy director, Dajingman Police Station