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Over 30 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Jilin City

Nov. 10, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Jilin Province, China

(Minghui.org) On the morning of October 18, 2013, the Jilin Public Security Bureau conspired with its district branches and police stations to illegally arrest over 30 Falun Gong practitioners. The Changchun Domestic Security Division was also involved in the arrests.

At 9 a.m., police ambushed the headquarters of the Wuhan Duck Neck, a prepared-food wholesaler in Chaicao Town, Jilin City. They arrested all practitioners who worked there, including the owner Mr. Zhu Yujun, his wife, and their 5-year-old daughter; Mr. Zhu's 60-year-old father; and Liu Bing, Deng Xiaobo, Zhuo Yuqing and Wang Ge.

They were detained in the Huangqitun Police Station of Chuanying District.

Mr. Liu Bing Transferred to Brainwashing Center

People who stopped by the shop for business were also arrested. Accoridng to informant sources, the police had monitored the company for a period of time. Thus, the arrests were premeditated and targeted a specific list of people.

At 2 p.m. the same day, undercover officers from the Beijing Road Police Station ransacked one of the arrested practitioners' home. Theyconfiscated all the Falun Gong books, a printer and other belongings.

Shortly after the arrest, Mr. Liu Bing was taken to the second floor of the Huangqitun Police Station for interrogation. At 4 p.m., officers Jin Cheng, Yu Bowen, and Fu Bing from the Tongjiang Police Station in Jilin City, along with two undercover officers from the Changyi Branch of the Public Security Bureau, transferred Mr. Liu by car to the Tongjiang Police Station.

Mr. Liu Bing was later secretly transferred to the notorious Shahezi Brainwashing Center in Jilin City. When his family went to the Tongjiang Police Station to demand his release, a police officer there said, “I can't tell you anything about him because I have orders from above.”

Concurrent Arrests

At 9 a.m., concurrently with the above arrests, four officers from the Changyi Branch of the Public Security Bureau and the Dongjuzi Police Station broke into the Wuhan Duck Neck's sattelite shop in Yongchang District and arrested practitioner Deng Xiaobo. After interrogating him, police officers Yi and Wang (whose police number is 202332) ransacked the store and his home and confiscated many of his belongings, including a computer.

At 6 p.m., Mr. Deng was transferred to the Shahezi Brainwashing Center. Two people from the local Residential Committee were sent to monitor him.

At noon of the same day, practitioner Sun Changsheng was arrested at another Wuhan Duck Neck's store by officers from the Beishan Police Station in Chuanying District. Subsequently, police ransacked his home and arrested his niece, a non-practitioner. Practitioner Wang Yi, who was on her way to the store, was also arrested.

More Arrests

Practitioner Che Pingping from Chaicao Town was arrested on October 18, 2013, as well. Her home was liewise ransacked by police.

Practitioner Che Pinging was arrested at home the same day. Her home was also ransacked by the police.

At 6 a.m., nine practitioners from Chalu Township were arrested while on their way to a village to help a fellow practitioner harvest his cornfield. Among them were Gao Chunxiang, Sui Xiuying, Fu Junjuan, Fu Junli, Qi Yuzhi, Chen, Zhan, and Sun Fei. Officers from the Minzhu Road Police Station in Changyi District, including Guo Qiang, made the arrest.

The nine practitioners are being held in a detention center in Jilin City.

A day earlier, at 7 p.m. on October 17, practitioners Li Wenhua, Liu Li, Jiang Wei, and Xin Xiuyun were also arrested by officers from the Hongqi Police Station in Fengman District.

A partial list of personnel and units involved in the arrests:

Dongjuzi Police Station: +86-432-62577110
Meng Linghai, director of Tongjiang Police Station: +86-432-65089301 (Office), +86-432-65089302, +86-13904403530 (Cell), +86-432-63955207 (Home)
Jin Cheng, deputy director of Tongjiang Police Station
Police officers Yu Bowen, Fu Bing, Du Shaojie: +86-18043201400
Guo Qiang, captain of Minzhulu Police Station in Changyi District
Huangqitun Police Station in Chuanying District
Hongqi Police Station in Fengman District
Beishan Police Station in Chuanying District
Beijinglu Police Station