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Solemn Declarations from Two Dafa Practitioners

Nov. 10, 2013


Solemn Declaration

I was illegally arrested and sent to a detention center on the evening of October 25, 2004, for posting informational materials about Falun Dafa and the persecution.

At that time, I didn't study the Fa well and had a shallow understanding of the Fa, so I didn't deny the persecution arranged by the old forces. I signed a guarantee statement, promising to stop practicing Falun Dafa, after I couldn't endure the persecution in the detention center.

In October 1999, I was also held in a detention center. Following the orders of the officials at the detention center, my son signed a paper for me so that I could be released.

I feel deeply regretful and know that I have let Master down.

I solemnly declare that everything I have said and done that didn't conform to Dafa is hereby null and void. I will make up for the losses that I have caused to Dafa, study the Fa and do the three things well, and be more diligent in cultivation.

Yang Guixiang, October 8, 2013


Solemn Declaration

I began practicing Falun Dafa in 1998. I was arrested and taken to a detention center by the 610 Office in 2000. At that time, I didn't study the Fa well or have strong righteous thoughts, so I was “transformed” and wrote a guarantee statement to renounce my faith. Feeling deeply ashamed of my mistakes, I stopped practicing Falun Dafa for approximately 10 years.

In 2012, I started to practice Falun Dafa again.

I solemnly declare that everything I have said, written, and done that didn't conform to Dafa is hereby null and void. I will completely oppose the old forces’ arrangements and make up for the losses that I have caused to Dafa. I will cherish the opportunity to study the Fa and do the three things well, and try my best to walk well the last leg of cultivation.

Yu Xiulan, October 10, 2013
