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A Phone Call from Overseas Stops a Police Officer from Torturing a Falun Gong Practitioner

Nov. 22, 2013 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in mainland China

(Minghui.org) A couple of days ago, when I chatted with a fellow practitioner, and he told me about his experience when detained for his belief in Falun Gong. Here, I'd like to share his story.

This fellow practitioner has been persecuted many times. One time, he was incarcerated in a forced labor camp. In the camp, a police officer was about to torture this practitioner in order to force him to renounce Falun Gong. Right as this practitioner entered the office, the officer received a phone call from overseas.

During the call, he arrogantly said the word “cult” five times, and provocatively said to the caller, “If you have the ability, come fly over here and see me, then I will believe you.” The fellow practitioner, who called him, was not moved by his words, and kept talking to him for about five minutes. After the policeman had listened to the practitioner on the other end of the line explain the truth about Falun Gong, his eyes had a blank stare and he seemed to have little energy left. He turned to the practitioner in his office and said to him, “You go home!”

The fellow practitioner witnessed the power of practitioners' phone calls to clarify the truth. It lasted only about twenty minutes from the time he entered that office to the time when he left. He personally experienced what Master Li had said,

“Don't overlook any of the things that Dafa disciples do. Your every word, every flyer, every keystroke, every telephone call, and every letter is having a huge impact.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Midwest-U.S. Fa Conference” from Teaching the Fa at the Conference III)

After that phone call, this policeman requested a transfer from the brigade that tortures Dafa practitioners to the one that produces materials. Later, this fellow practitioner was taken to the brigade where the policeman had been transferred to. Thus, he was able to frequently tell him more about Falun Dafa. This year, when this fellow practitioner was about to be released, personnel from the local 610 office were plotting to transfer him to a brainwashing center. This practitioner resolutely resisted and also told the policeman, “I will only go home if my family picks me up.”

This policeman was quite moved by this practitioner, and also encouraged him, “You're free now and no one can deprive you from your rights. You can rest assured that I will have your family come and pick you up.” Later, this policeman went to the fellow practitioner's home, got his father's identity card and took care of all procedures for him. At the same time, local practitioners arrived in five vehicles and brought his older sister. Thus, this practitioner returned home safely.

When I heard this story, I sincerely and wholeheartedly thanked fellow practitioners overseas for their phone calls, day after day.