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Eighty-One Year Old Practitioner Stays Busy Clarifying the Truth

Nov. 23, 2013 |   By a Dafa Practitioner in Southwestern China

(Minghui.org) Master said “Dafa disciples are the sole hope for people's salvation.” (“The Only Hope” from Hong Yin III) As Falun Dafa practitioners in the Fa-rectification period, we should actively save more people. Below I would like to share some of my experiences in clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa to people.

“You are a Falun Dafa practitioner. That is wonderful!”

One day, I saw a person playing a musical instrument at a pavilion in South Garden. I deliberately practiced a kicking exercise nearby. He came over to ask me, “You kick well. How old are you?” “You guess,” I said. He said, “About 60.” “Guess again.” He said, “It is about right. You may be even younger than I.” I told him that I was 81.

He said, “Really? How come you look so young? What do you do?” I told him, “I practice cultivation. Buddhas have purified my body. I do not have any illness now. I can move briskly. A believer will be blessed by Buddhas. Do you believe in Buddhism?” He was half doubting and said, “Does Buddha really exist?” I responded, “Of course. I never lie. Do you believe what I said?” I then said, “Let me read Buddha scripture for you. Disaster is imminent.”

I cannot sing. I thus read to him some of Master's lyrics from Hong Yin ( III) that I copied down in a small notebook. He was very happy and said, “ You are a Falun Dafa practitioner. That is wonderful!”

I gave him a DVD and told him, “True Buddha information is on the DVD. You will be protected when catastrophes come. Persons of all ages will benefit if they watch the DVD. It is very precious. You should cherish it. I am leaving.” He said, “Please do not leave. I have thirty some students. We belong to a band. Just wait. They will be here soon.” They came as he was talking.

This teacher asked his students to guess my age. No one could guess it right. When this teacher told them I was 81, they all looked amazed. He then asked me to show his students my kicking skills. They were very happy. When this teacher told them that I practice Falun Dafa, they all accepted my belief and asked me for a DVD. I did not have enough DVDs for all of them, but I gave them to those who did not get one on the following Tuesday.

Then, a female band member who was in her fifties held my hand and said, “I like you very much. You are very kind. How come you are so healthy? I look older than you even though I am younger. I want to learn Falun Dafa with you. Please tell me how to practice it.” She added, “I'll give you my phone number. Please do not forget me. Please come to my place when you have time. I have dozens of friends who are swordsmen. I want them to see how young you look.”

I thought that there must be predestined persons waiting for my Falun Dafa truth clarification. I went to her place three days later. They greeted me like an honored guest and then asked me all kinds of questions. I said, “Although we just met today, we are predestined. I feel we are particularly close. Would it be alright if I give each of you a precious DVD?” They all happily accepted the DVD.

“Please give me two more copies. I want to pass them on to others!”

I sat behind a bus driver one day and saw an elderly man with a package in his hand, having difficultly getting on the bus. I immediately helped him into my seat and gave him back the package. He was moved and said to me, “You are also an old person. You are very kind to help me.” The passengers sitting across from me also admired me. They said, “Young people do not help others nowadays. You helped him despite your old age. You are terrific.”

I said, “I practice Falun Dafa. Our Master has taught every disciple to be honest, kind, and considerate of others. He has taught us to be tolerant. Falun Dafa is a supreme universal Law. It brings back human virtues. If every person can follow the principles Truthful-Compassion-Forbearance, society will be very good.” Everyone agreed.

The man that I helped asked me how old I was. I told him that I am already 81 years old. He said that Falun Dafa practitioners are very good. I gave him a copy of an informational booklet. He said: “Please give me two more copies. I want to pass them on to others.”

I asked him, “Have you heard about quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to be saved? I mean quitting the wicked CCP and its affiliated organizations. Now, more than 100 million people have already quit the CCP worldwide.” That old man immediately let me help him quit the CCP with his real name. He said, “Not many persons believe in the wicked party nowadays. Society is in a mess and cannot be cleaned up. Who likes communism? I have not paid the membership fee for a long time.”

We Believe in Falun Dafa

Many people dance at every park in the city. We can employ various ways to save them. On one occasion, I watched people dancing in the park. After the dance, I intentionally did some kicking and waist-bending near the site. They encircled me to watch and said, “You are really great. How old are you? How can your legs and waist be so flexible?” When I told them I was already 80, they were surprised and said, “Really? How do you keep yourself fit?” I replied,“I practice cultivation, which can cure any disease. But you must first have a good mentality. You must be kind to people and never quarrel.”

They asked, “What do you practice?” I asked them to guess and one of them got it right. I said, “You are very fortunate. You truly believe that you will be as healthy as I am. In addition, you will be saved when tribulations attack as long as you recite 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' and 'Falun Dafa is good'. This is Falun Dafa! Do you believe?” They all believed and happily accepted the informational materials.

My Business Improved After You Came

Another predestined meeting happened at a meat stand. The meat vendor was having breakfast when I arrived. I greeted him, “You have good business. I'll give you a book. Once you read it, you will have good fortune and your business will be even better.” The owner said, “No, I don't want it. I am illiterate.”

A customer came right after the vendor finished talking. This customer asked me: “Auntie [a respectful word for older women in China]. What did you just say?” I told this customer that I wanted to give this stand-owner a book. He will have good fortune and his business will be better after he reads the book. This customer said, “Why don't you give it to me? I am also in business.” I said, “Good. It is your blessing that we meet.” This customer said, “Can I have four sets? We have four families here. They are all in business.”

This customer accepted the informational materials and said, “I am very lucky today!” I responded, “Receiving this, you are lucky not only today but also forever.” He repeatedly said, “Thank you, Auntie. Thank you!”

The meat vendor then said that he also would like to have a set. Some customers nearby also came over to get the materials, which ran out quickly. Some people who did not have one looked regretful. I quickly said to them, “Don't worry. I will bring the materials to you tomorrow,” which cheered them up.

Seeing me there two days later, the meat vendor yelled loudly, “Auntie, you are a deity. My business improved after you came.”

I said, “You should know. I practice Falun Dafa. I deliver blessings to you. If you believe in Falun Dafa, you will benefit a lot. You will be safe when disaster hits. Your illnesses will disappear and your business will prosper. The CCP doesn't want people to believe in Falun Dafa. Conversely, it has persecuted Falun Dafa. It utilizes atheism to deceive citizens and to prevent them from obtaining the Buddha Fa. As long as you believe in Falun Dafa, everything will go smoothly. But you must be kind and honest. Gods will protect you only if you do not cheat on the weight customers pay for. You see. I am very healthy because I believe in Falun Dafa. My children's businesses are very prosperous.” Both customers and the meat vendor agreed.

It Is Our Blessing to Meet You

One day a few years ago, I saw an old couple playing with their little granddaughter in the park. To let this little girl have fun, I came over and juggled a two-feet-long pipe with my hands. The couple were also interested. They said to me, “Hi Sister [respectful word to a woman around the same age], you are so active and healthy. Come and sit down and tell us what keeps you that way.”

I told them, “We all are old persons. The whole family will be blessed if we are healthy. A person should have a belief. Having a belief will lead you to be good and not to do bad things. You will not hurt other people for your own gain. Doing good deeds will accumulate virtue, which will be passed down to your offspring. We must be honest to others and never lie. I am a practitioner. I cultivate in the cosmos's Great Law. If you truly cultivate and believe, your whole family will benefit. I have four children, two boys and two girls. All of them fulfill their filial duties well. They are healthy and polite to other people. Being polite can make wealth grow because their businesses are very prosperous.” The couple said, “Meeting you is our blessing. You are very kind.”

I continued, “This cosmos' Great Law is Falun Dafa. It is a Buddha Fa, which the wicked party does not want you to believe in. The CCP is an atheist entity. It thus wants you to hate Falun Dafa. What they have said is a complete lie. I had all kinds of diseases before 1994. All my illnesses disappeared after I practiced Falun Dafa. It is unprecedented that the true Buddha has come down to the world to save sentient beings. I will now give you a book about the truth. You will understand what I said once you read it. Reading the book, old persons will have good health, businessmen will prosper, young persons will become outstanding, and people will have good fortune when they encounter disasters. In short, the benefits are too many to be described. It is a blessing to obtain it. This is a Buddha predestination. Well, goodbye.”

The couple would not let me leave. They insisted that I come to their house and have a meal with them. I accepted their invitation. When I entered the door, I saw a policeman standing in the middle of the room. I greeted him, “How are you? Are you off duty today?” He nodded. The elderly man quickly introduced this man as his son-in-law. He said to his son-in-law, “This lady is our good friend. We have not seen each other for a long time.”

I asked their son-in-law where he was working and his response was “National Security”. I said, “It is a big unit. My son also worked for the Public Security in Chongqing. He was the chief of police, but he had been troubled very much by the persecution of Falun Dafa. How about your unit?” He replied, “About the same. I am not allowed to not carry out the persecutions. But if I do, it is really against my conscience.”

I responded, “Your attitude is exactly the same as my son's. My son is also very kind. He does not want to do anything against his conscience. He thus switched positions with a railroad worker in 2004.” This son-in-law relaxed and said: “Everyone should have freedom in belief.”

Master gives me wisdom. Because I am not afraid of any policeman, I clarify the truth to people with different attitudes. I said to him, “People in more than 100 countries are practicing Falun Dafa. Our Master has received more than 2,000 awards overseas. He has been nominated for the Noble Peace Prize in four consecutive years. In our country, the wicked party says a thing is good when it is actually bad and vice versa. Many people have the same viewpoint, that the wicked party severely persecutes good people.”

He said, “You are right. The crackdown on the June 4 th Student Movement was also unjustifiable.” I responded, “You are very kind. We were predestined to meet.” I gave him a set of informational materials with both hands and he happily accepted.