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Chinese Tourists Learn the Truth about Falun Gong at Toronto's CN Tower (Part 2)

Dec. 12, 2013 |   By Zhang Yun, a Minghui correspondent in Toronto, Canada

(Minghui.org)Continued from Part 1: http://en.minghui.org/html/articles/2013/12/11/143579.html

The CN (Canadian National) Tower, a major tourist site in Toronto, welcomes busloads of Chinese tourists throughout the year. Falun Gong practitioners have been volunteering there to raise awareness about the practice and the persecution every day for the past decade.

In the past, many Chinese tourists visiting the site refused to accept materials about Falun Gong for fear of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, with persistent efforts by Falun Gong volunteers, both inside and outside China, more and more Chinese people have begun to question the persecution.

The volunteers at this tourist site have seen significant changes in Chinese tourists over the years. Many of them readily joined the movement to quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. Some make this choice upon exchanging a few words with Falun Gong practitioners.

Below are just a few stories shared by the volunteers who have maintained a regular presence at the CN Tower for the sake of helping their fellow Chinese.


Falun Gong practitioners greet busloads of Chinese tourists everyday at the Canadian National Tower.

Tourist: My Favorite Banner Is the One That Says “To Love China Does Not Mean to Love the CCP”

At the CN Tower are banners that read, “Falun Dafa is great,” “Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance,” “Quit the CCP for One's Own Safety,” and “To Love China Does Not Mean to Love the CCP.”

One day, a practitioner, Ms. Wang, was talking to a group of Chinese tourists about Falun Gong. One lady from Zhejiang province said, “I love this banner the most,” pointing to the banner “To Love China Does Not Mean to Love the CCP.” She added, “If you hang it publicly in China, you will be labeled as counter-revolutionaries. You can display such a large banner, which is not allowed in China. Hasn't Falun Gong has been banned?”

Ms. Wang told her, “Here in Canada, Falun Gong is protected and supported by the government. Each year, the prime minister of Canada and other officials send congratulatory letters in support of Falun Gong. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers on duty extend their protection, as this is a free country.”

This tourist seemed content to listen further, perhaps surprised to encounter such a profound message on her sight-seeing tour. Ms. Wang explained to her that “natural and man-made disasters are taking place all over China, at an accelerated pace, which is a result of all the bad things the CCP has done. We have met here because of a predestined relationship. Nowadays, full busloads of tourists are quitting the CCP. Some quit themselves, and some quit on behalf of their entire families.”

The woman learned from Ms. Wang about how Jiang Zemin's launched the persecution, ordered the Tiananmen Square Self Immolation hoax, and fabricated and spread lies to deceive and incite hatred in the minds of millions of Chinese people. Despite all this, Falun Gong is practiced in over 100 countries around the world. It is also an undeniable fact that the Chinese regime is behind the harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners' organs.

“Really? We haven't heard about live organ harvesting,” the woman confided.

Ms. Wang offered her an informational booklet, but she was afraid to take it. Ms. Wang advised, “Put it in your pocket, and take time to read it after you get back.” She took a booklet and a copy of the Minghui Weekly newspaper and placed them in her pocket.

“The CCP is doomed for destruction. If you have joined its affiliated organizations, I urge you to renounce your memberships. How about using the name kind-beauty (Shan-Mei as pronounced in Chinese)? What is your last name?” Ms. Wang asked.

“Sure, sure. My last name is Zhang. I will quit [the Party]. Thank you, thank you!” The lady happily waved good-bye.

Tour Guide Also Clarifies the Facts

Auntie Yu is 76 years old. She goes to the CN Tower even in rain and snow. Early every morning, she loads up her cart with brochures and posters, and heads to the CN Tower.

She explained, “Because of our perseverance over the years, many tour guides have come to know us. They have not only quit the CCP themselves, but also help us to let the truth be known among the Chinese tourists.”

A short while ago, a medium-sized shuttle bus arrived. When tourists got off the shuttle, some read out loud the banner that read, “Falun Dafa is great!” Auntie Yu remembered the tour guide, whose last name was Lin. She helped him quit the CCP using the nickname “smooth-safety” (Li-Ping as pronounced in Chinese). He approached her, “Auntie, anything new?” Aunt Yu answered, “Definitely, look, here are special reports, and the latest news including Bo Xilai's life sentence, among others.”

When the tourists were getting back on the shuttle bus, Auntie Yu handed out materials to each of them. Some were reluctant to take a newspaper. The tour guide commented, “This is a good newspaper which reports the facts.” All of the tourists ended up taking the handouts, and several quit the CCP.

At the end, Auntie Yu said to the tour guide, “You did a great thing today. What immense virtue you have accumulated by helping them learn the truth.” The tour guide replied, “Thank you, Auntie. See you next time.”

Quitting the CCP in Just a Few Words

Ms. Wang Jinju, a practitioner who immigrated from China in 2008, has been volunteering at the CN Tower ever since she arrived in Canada. It was apparent to her that more and more people have become aware of the facts. Some pass by quickly, and they withdraw from the CCP after a brief talk. On one occasion, she helped 28 people quit the CCP in an hour and a half.

One day, three Chinese men stepped out of a Mercedes SUV. Ms. Wang approached them and handed out brochures. She said, “It is a predestined relationship that we have met. There are many people quitting the CCP. You may as well take this opportunity now that we have met overseas, in case you don't get the same opportunity in China.”

The three took the materials. Ms. Wang continued, “Let's use Tian Fu (Heavenly Bliss), Tian Le (Heavenly Joy), and Tian Shun (Heavenly Ease) as your aliases to quit the CCP.”

They answered, “My last name is Li,” “Mine is Zhang,” and “Mine is Liu.” All three agreed to quit the Party.

They invited Ms. Wang for a meal. Ms. Wang thanked them for their sincerity, and looked forward to seeing them next time.

One day, a group of tourists, most of whom were from Shanghai, were boarding the bus after seeing the tower. Ms. Wang talked to them, while another practitioner noted down the names of those who agreed to quit the CCP. One lady among the tourists tried to stop Ms. Wang from talking. Ms. Wang told her, “You shouldn't interfere with me. I am helping save people. It is for their safety, which is a good thing. Do you think you can shoulder the responsibility of blocking me from saving people?” Right then, a tourist shouted, “A new China will come forth only when the Communist Party is overthrown!” The lady turned around and went onto the bus.

A total of 28 tourists agreed to quit the CCP. When the bus was departing, Ms. Wang shouted to them, “Bear in mind Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance is great!” Several on the bus replied, “We hear you!”

Reaching Out to Young Students Poisoned Lies

During the summer vacation, more and more Chinese students take trips abroad. Sometimes, there are half a dozen buses of them. Aunt Zhou noticed that these kids had undergone severe brainwashing in China. Upon seeing Falun Gong, they tended to be quite nervous. Some were even afraid. After we spoke to them for a bit, they would quickly begin to change their attitudes. Some have quit the Communist Youth League and the Communist Young Pioneers.

Teachers leading the student groups often tried to stop Falun Gong practitioners from telling the students the facts. They would argue, “The kids are still quite young, and you should skip them.” Auntie Zhou would reply, “Exactly because they are young, they are susceptible to the devious CCP culture that has been poured into their minds to poison them. Now that they have this opportunity to have come abroad, they have the right to learn the facts.” Most of the time, the teachers would remain silent. In fact, they themselves wanted to listen to the facts.

One day, Auntie Zhou told a teacher, “As a teacher, you should become aware of the truth too. You know, your textbooks are full of slanderous lies about Falun Gong. We are here to clarify the facts. You too deserve to know the facts.” This teacher listened carefully to Auntie Zhou with the students.

Some students who have been severely poisoned by the CCP lies are rather afraid upon seeing Falun Gong content. Auntie Zhou would amiably tell them, “Precious young friends, don't be afraid. Falun Gong teaches 'Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance.' It is the CCP which has demonized Falun Gong. People in over 100 countries are practicing it because it is truly a wonderful practice that brings people health and happiness.”

“Gradually, the students would listen to what we had to say,” Auntie Zhou said.

One day, a young girl listened rather intently. Auntie Zhou asked her, “Auntie has told you so many things. Did you understand what auntie says?” The young girl nodded her head enthusiastically. Auntie Zhou then said, “How about we help you quit the Youth League and the Young Pioneers with the name Ping Ping, for safety?” (Ping means safety in Chinese). Again she enthusiastically nodded her head.