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More and More Chinese Tourists Welcome the Opportunity to Hear About Falun Gong When Traveling Abroad

Dec. 26, 2013

(Minghui.org) Chinese tourist traffic remains brisk in Europe even though the weather has turned cold and the tourism industry has entered the off-season. With the change in season, more and more Chinese tourists are touring around in vans and mini-buses instead of large buses. These smaller groups of tourists seem to welcome the opportunity to chat with practitioners about Falun Gong, something they don't dare to do at home in China.

Groups often surround a practitioner to hear the facts about the persecution. Entire vans full of visitors will often renounce their memberships in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after a few brave souls among them do so first.

“Please Thank Master Li Hongzhi for Us”

One one occasion some Chinese tourists got off a mini-bus at a tourist site and two middle-aged men led the group, but hesitated to take the Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. A practitioner mentioned the crimes committed by top Party officials Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin and the response was, “What's wrong with them? They are good.” The practitioner told them that they had been completely kept in the dark, so the men took the materials and started reading.

A young man came over and asked, “Are you a Falun Gong practitioner?” The practitioner said, “Yes.” He said, “Falun Gong is really good!” “Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is good!” He added.

He then asked where Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, was. When the practitioner told him that Mr. Li lives in the United States, he responded happily, “Master Li Hongzhi is the nicest person in the world. We all miss him.” He sighed and said, “Please ask Mr. Li to come back to China to help us! Only Master Li Hongzhi can save China!” His friends nodded together.

The practitioner told them, “Wasn't I sent by Master Li Hongzhi to help you? You should immediately quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations for your own safety.” The young man thought about it and said, “Thank you. Thank you, Master Li Hongzhi. He hasn't forgotten us!”

Others in the tourist group said, “Evil, evil” after the practitioner told them facts about the persecution, which has continued for the past 14 years, especially the forced live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. This young man told others, “The CCP will collapse soon. Let's all quit it before it's too late!”

Another middle-aged man came to help and organized other tourists to choose pseudonyms for themselves and register their CCP resignations with the practitioner. The two men who initially said Zhou Yongkang and Jiang Zemin were good also renounced their memberships.

Before they left with the van, they shook hands, bowed, or put their palms together to show respect and appreciation to the practitioner. The practitioner said, “My Master is the one you should thank.” They responded happily, “Thank you, Master Li Hongzhi!”

"We Hope Master Li Can Return to China Soon"

Another group of passengers in a minivan was very happy after renouncing their CCP memberships at a tourist site in Europe. When they said goodbye to the volunteer who helped them, they asked, “Will you be able to see Master Li Hongzhi?”

The volunteer asked why, and they answered, “Please pass our greetings to Master Li!” They wanted to make sure that the volunteer had a way to get their message to Master Li, the founder of Falun Gong, “We all hope Mr. Li can come back to China soon!”

Sichuan Tourist Hugs Practitioner: “Falun Gong Has Saved Me”

A Falun Gong practitioner offered to help a Chinese tourist group entering a restaurant quit the CCP. After the practitioner recorded an alias for a woman to quit the CCP, she suddenly hugged the practitioner and said, “Thank you very much! Falun Gong has saved me. I have met a good person today. There's no sense of security in China, no peace! My life is so miserable. Now I no longer need to worry.”

Tourists from Shenyang: “Quit the CCP!”

The air pollution in China has worsened considerably in recent years. The American Embassy once called the air pollution in Beijing “crazy bad.” This winter, severe pollution has been reported in many northern Chinese cities, with Beijing and Harbin being the worst.

One Falun Gong practitioner met a few tourists from Shenyang, a major city in northeastern China, and asked them how the air pollution was. They frowned and said, “Very bad.”

One of them asked, “Why don't other countries have it?” The practitioner replied, “Why is it only this way in China? Think more about it. Falun Gong is flourishing outside of China and persecuted in China, where this high-level mind and body practice is severely persecuted by the CCP. But it is legal and popular in so many other countries around the world.”

The practitioner told the tourists about how Shenyang is one of the most prolific zones where Falun Gong practitioners are killed for their organs, and shared his understanding that the air pollution may well be punishment from the heavens. A person said, “No wonder, we can see small particles in the air. I have never seen such a thing in my life. And, it smells!”

The tourists complained about having to pay the price for the CCP's crimes. The practitioner advised them not to be too pessimistic, and that quitting the CCP would help ensure their safety. One of them said, “Of course, I quit!” The rest of the group also renounced their memberships in the CCP. They said, “Thank you so much! Even rice will taste better after meeting you today!” This was a typical Chinese expression to say that life is better.

Related article: Quitting the Chinese Communist Party: A Major Objective for Many Chinese Traveling Abroad