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General Manager of Logistics Company Critically Ill Due to Torture

Dec. 26, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Shanghai, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Pang Guangwen's family visited him at the Shanghai Prison Hospital at 11 a.m. on November 12, 2013. It was the first time his family had seen him since he was sentenced on July 11.

Another practitioner, Mr. Zhao Bin, was arrested and later sentenced with Mr. Pang. Mr. Zhao was eventually persecuted to death at the Tilanqiao Prison on October 19, 2013.

In the hospital, Mr. Pang's family noticed that he appeared to be very thin. He was approximately 165 pounds at the time of his arrest . Four months later he was down to 132. Even his five-year-old daughter could not recognize him. When Mr. Pang tried to hold her hands, she was so frightened that she turned away and hid behind her mother.

Mr. Pang is unable to eat anything. When he tries to, he vomits. One morning the doctor could not locate a vein to give him an intravenous injection. His face was pale. Even though he was heavily bundled up for warmth, when his family touched his hands and arms, he was very cold.

Mr. Pang Guangwen

During the visit, Mr. Pang's family (three adults and one child) was accompanied by five guards from Tilanqiao Prison, including Huang Bin, the warden; Xu, the captain; Ni, a guard from the prison education unit; Huang Haihong; and another young, tall man. The meeting lasted 15 minutes. Halfway into the visit, one of the prison guards placed an audio recorder behind a glass window to intimidate the family.

Details of His Arrest

Mr. Pang was general manager of a logistics company in Shanghai. Mr. Zhao Bin, also a practitioner, was his employee. On the evening of April 27, 2012, Mr. Pang and Mr. Zhao were arrested in their company's dormitory located at 1080 Guangming Village, Sanzao County, the Nanhui District, Shanghai.

Most of the arresting officers were in plainclothes. Only two of them wore police uniforms. Officer Tong Ping claimed to be from Sanzao County. Another officer said he was from Jiangsu Road Police Station in the Changning District. They never showed any identification.

Tortured in Detention

When Mr. Pang was held in Changning District Detention Center, he was handcuffed and shackled 24 hours a day. During that time, the guards would not permit him to use the bathroom. He was bent over, unable to straighten up. On May 22, 2012, he went on a hunger strike to protest his treatment.

Torture illustration: Handcuffed and shackled

On May 24, he was handcuffed to an iron bench and force-fed by the guards. They were rough when they inserted the tube into Mr. Pang's nose, so it bled and he vomited severely.

Torture re-enactment: Force-feeding

On May 27, he was transferred to the Shanghai Prison Hospital. He was restrained to a bed, force-fed, and injected with unknown drugs every day, resulting in muscular atrophy. His knees became numb and he lost approximately 33 pounds within a short period of time. On August 1, Mr. Pang was released on medical parole, and the police from Changning National Security Division extorted 20,000 yuan from his family.

Tried and Sentenced

On July 5, 2013, the court notified Mr. Pang that he would be tried on July 11. On July 8, Mr. Pang went to the Changning District 610 Office to reason with the officers there, hoping that they would do the right thing, cancel the trial, and choose a bright future for themselves. He was detained as a result.

On July 11, Mr. Pang was illegally sentenced to five years in jail, and fellow practitioner Mr. Zhao Bin to four years. On the day of the trial, Mr. Pang was repeatedly taken in and out by the bailiffs. During the hearing, Mr. Pang remained silent with his eyes closed at all times. His family hired a lawyer from Beijing, Mr. Guo Haiyue, to defend him. He was interrupted twice by the judge during the trial.

At present, Mr. Pang is unable to eat and continues to vomit. Two other Shanghai practitioners, Mr. Ma Xinxing and Mr. Zhang Zhiyun, experienced similar situations. They were force-fed with food laced with poison before they died.

Given the seriousness of his physical condition, we ask for people and organizations in China and overseas to help secure the release of Mr. Pang from Tilanqiao Prison, where practitioners like Mr. Zhao Bin have already been persecuted to death within a short period of time.

Contact Information:

Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison Address: 147 Changyang Road, Shanghai, 200082

Shanghai Prison Administration Department: Hou Ruiqin (侯瑞琴), deputy director: +86-13524716991 (cell) (who is responsible for the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners behind the scenes)

Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison: +86-21-55589900 Tilanqiao Prison General Duty Office: Ext1000 Xu Haihong (徐海红) (from the Shanghai Tilanqiao Prison Educational Department, the main perpetrator in persecuting practitioners behind the scenes, and spokesperson of the Tilanqiao 610 Office) Educational Department Ext: 1609,3939,1610

Dai Weidong (戴卫东), warden and deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Prisons, +86-13701851126 (cell) Yin Guanghui (殷光辉), deputy warden, +86-21-65451569, Ext: 1004

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