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Practitioner from Inner Mongolia Arrested after Being Away from Home for Five Years

Dec. 29, 2013

(Minghui.org) Mr. Zong Tingqi from Debosi Town, Horqin Right Front Banner, Inner Mongolia, was persecuted by the communist regime for practicing Falun Dafa. Forced to leave home in 2008, he was recently located and arrested when the police tapped his relatives' phones.

Falun Dafa is a peaceful meditation practice, and those that practice it adhere to the principles of Truthfulness-Benevolence-Forbearance. The communist regime has been carrying out a nationwide campaign to eliminate Falun Dafa since 1999.

Mr. Zong was once sentenced to a two years of forced labor and sent to Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in 2002. After being released in 2004, he was often harassed by local officers. He was arrested at home in 2007 and taken to the local police station. He managed to escape the next day.

He was arrested by officers from the Horqin Domestic Security Division, the 610 Office, Dashizhai Town Criminal Police Squadron, and Debosi Police Station in November 2008. Horqin Police Department officers interrogated him in rotation for 24 hours. He was able to free his hands from the handcuffs and escaped after a month of detention.

Mr. Zong was forced to stay away from home for five years. He and his wife had to work odd jobs to make ends meet. The police wanted to track him down and tapped his relatives’ phones regularly to try to locate him.

Officers from the Horqin Domestic Security Division went to Hunchun City, Jilin Province, on November 15, 2013, and arrested Mr. Zong. They confiscated his computer and approximately 27,000 yuan in cash. He was taken back to Inner Mongolia and was detained at the Horqin Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecution:

Keyouqianqi Domestic Security Division Xie Baoying (谢宝音), captain: +86-13948250979, +86-04828391514 Deputy captain: +86-13948932999 Domestic Security Division of the Wulanhaote City Police Department Gong Shuming (宫树明), captain: +86-13704790010