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Hardship Turns Into Joy After Practicing Falun Gong

Dec. 3, 2013 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) My mother and I started practicing Falun Dafa in September 2011. We were both on the verge of death, suffering from severe angina and other illnesses.

My grandmother was poisoned during the Cultural Revolution and her family executed. A kind person rescued my mother. She was a young child and suffered terribly during her youth, including almost being eaten by wolves, but was ultimately very fortunate! I'll tell you why. My husband was a scoundrel in the underworld, but ultimately helped me tell people about Falun Gong and the persecution. I would like to share my stories with you.

1. The Chinese Communist Party Poisoned My Grandmother

My hometown is in Northeastern China. My maternal grandparents were medical school professors before the Cultural Revolution. After returning from studying abroad, they were immediately imprisoned after disembarking the plane, and forced to get divorced. My grandmother became deranged as a result of the torture. A kind person took care of her after she was picked up by the government in Outer Mongolia, and she gradually regained her senses. She told us that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) injected her with poison while in prison. After each injection, they let a little time pass and then gave her another injection. People normally didn't regain consciousness after this. It was a convenient method for the CCP to gradually kill people without leaving any traces behind.

The CCP Executed My Mother's Family

The CCP used the pretext of my grandfather going abroad to execute his family by shooting his children and grandchildren. My mother was only a few years old at the time. They dragged the whole family out to be executed. A kind person grabbed my mother and claimed that she was an orphan, and she did indeed become an orphan after the execution. She was the only one in her family to survive. Afterwards, she lived with one family after another.

Wolves, Don't Eat Me.”

I think my mother had good fortune, as she was able to survive very difficult hardships. Her foster mother abused her, made her cut wood, wash clothes, and do household chores, even though she was very young. It is very cold in Northeast China, yet her foster mother wouldn't let her get warm by the fire.

Several times she sent her to gather wood on the mountain, which was far away, in the evening. She didn't have time to return home and had to spend the night on the mountain during frigid winter. One time she was not careful and went into a wolf's den to get warm. There were 10 to 20 cubs in the lair. She held a small cub to warm herself. Two adults wolves then entered the den. Their eyes emitted a green light. They looked directly at her and saw that she was holding a cub. They didn't approach her, but instead turned around, lay down at the entrance of the cave, and slept there.

Another time as she returned home in the dark, a pack of wolves blocked her path. She closed her eyes and covered them with her hands. She thought it was all over, but in her mind she said, “Wolves, don't eat me.” She waited for death and stood there for a long time. When she opened her eyes she saw that the pack of wolves had split into two groups, leaving her a path to walk through. She gathered her courage and walked on. The pack followed her to the entrance of the village, then turned around and took off.

2. Hardship Turns Into Joy After Starting to Practice Falun Gong

Why do I think my mother was so fortunate? It is because she was predestined to practice Falun Dafa. Master had been protecting her through all those years of hardship, until she became a Dafa disciple! My mother and I started practicing together in September 2011. She had a serious case of angina at the time, which the doctor had said was no longer treatable. He had sent her home to die. One day my mother said to some Falun Gong practitioners, “Please teach me the exercises!” She subsequently had no recurrences of angina, and became healthy.

Daughter on Verge of Death

I first started practicing Falun Dafa because I was emotionally dependent on my mother. I followed her everywhere. I had been with her since birth and expected to die with her. I was young and very ill. I also had angina, and was also constipated and had high blood sugar. One time I had an attack of angina, and fainted and fell to the ground. My teeth were tightly clenched and my body rolled up in a ball. Sometimes when I had attacks, my red blood cell count dropped and my white blood cells were elevated. I would have developed leukemia if the situation got worse. My doctor didn't hold out any hope for me, but still tried to help me with an injection. My mother embraced me and heaved a deep sigh. She thought I was dying and held me all night. I woke up the next morning. My mom and I were really fortunate! Master was looking out for us.

I wanted to dedicate my life to Falun Dafa after Master saved me. A person with high blood sugar shouldn't eat sweets but I was no longer afraid. I don't remember at what point I became healthy. I understand now that I gave up the attachment to life and death the moment I entered Dafa.

Interference Reading Zhuan Falun

I had hardships when I first started practicing. Interference prevented me from reading, so I held Zhuan Falun in both hands and tried to read as I paced back and forth in the courtyard. I was determined to read! Afterwards, it was no longer a problem. I used every opportunity to study the Fa. I listened to Master's recordings when I was doing my household chores, and smiled as I listened. I really enjoyed Master's sense of humor. My family had no idea why I was so happy.

Difficulty Doing Exercises

At one point, I couldn't get myself up in the morning to do the exercises. So I set a time by which I had to get up, whether I wanted to or not, and did the five exercises. If I had pain, I clenched my teeth and was able to finish them. It's now easy for me to get up in the morning, and feels very natural to cross my legs during the sitting meditation. I enlightened that if one indulges in flights of fancy while exercising it is practicing an evil cultivation. When I have too many distracting thoughts, I cry out to Master and recite,

“...the Fa (Fa) rectifies (zheng) the Cosmos (qian kun); the Evil (xie e) is completely (quan) eliminated (mie).”

I'm then able to immediately calm down. I've enlightened that from the perspective of the Fa, studying the Fa, practicing the exercises, and sending forth righteous thoughts serves to save sentient beings.

Doubting Falun Dafa

Whenever I have thoughts doubting Dafa, I immediately eliminate them. I believe in Master and the Fa. I eliminate all beings that interfere with the Fa. I find it easy to handle myself well when I frequently send forth righteous thoughts. It is then very natural for me and I'm not fearful when I hand out truth clarification materials.

3. Saving People Openly and with Dignity with Righteous Thoughts

Dressing Well

Saving sentient beings is the responsibility of every Dafa disciple, including new practitioners like myself. I became healthy and my posture improved after I started practicing. When I go out to clarify the truth, I put on makeup and fresh clothes that are attractive. I make sure that I'm neat and tidy. I feel that practitioners should give people a good impression.

Bicycle Method

I ride my bike without getting off and drop truth clarification information in peoples' bicycle baskets as I pass by. I once put some materials in an elderly woman's bike basket. She looked very worried and yelled, “Is this about Falun Gong? Take it back right away!” I said to her very politely, “Please take a look. It will be good for you to read it.”

She became more anxious. I told her that the propaganda against Falun Gong spread on the news by the CCP is all based on lies. She was still very angry. I told her, “Auntie, (respectful address to a woman of similar age as ones parents) please don't get angry. I will take it back. Please don't get angry.” I thought, “You don't want this, but there are so many people waiting to get what I've just given you.” I wanted to leave her with a good impression. I was hoping she would be moved by my kindness and would be willing to listen to the next practitioner.

Saving Child's Teacher

My child's teacher was a member of one of the CCP affiliated organizations. I talked to her over and over again about Falun Gong and the persecution, and finally convinced her to withdraw from the CCP. I didn't pay any attention to the fact that my child is one of her students and might be affected. I was not afraid because saving people is such a righteous thing.

Posting Truth Clarification Information Below Surveillance Camera at Police Station

My mother brings boxes of truth clarification materials and Shen Yun DVDs every time she comes to my home, and we distribute them together. We once went to a fair at a temple. I struggled with whether we should distribute information. I clenched my teeth and said yes. I didn't want to have any extra materials left to bring home at the end. These are for people to see. If we post them where there aren't any people, who's going to see them?

I stood on the side and sent forth strong righteous thoughts. I eliminated any factors interfering with people learning the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. My mother was on the other side posting information and distributing it to anyone who passed by. Some people asked her, “Is this about Falun Gong?” She said, “Yes, please take a look. It will be good if you can read it.”

As soon as she finished posting material, people gathered around to read it. We posted information all along the road to the entrance of the police station. I noticed that there was a surveillance camera there and became startled. I yelled to my mother and pointed at the surveillance camera. She said, “It's not a problem. We are doing the most righteous thing. The surveillance camera is for capturing criminals, not for photographing us. We will eliminate any elements interfering with what we are doing.” I quickly sent forth righteous thoughts and nothing happened.

Truth Clarification Along the Railroad Tracks

We sometimes posted truth clarification information along the railroad tracks. An elderly railroad employee once walked by and asked, “What are you posting? Is it about Falun Gong?” I walked with him for a while and told him about Falun Gong and the persecution. I suggested that he recite, “Falun Dafa is good! Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He laughed and said, “Dafa is good," and then he left.

The Pole Nodded at Me!

I once posted some information on a concrete utility pole. I noticed that the pole was swinging back and forth. At first I thought it was an earthquake, but I looked around and saw nothing else moving. Everything was normal. I rubbed my eyes and looked carefully again. The whole pole was swaying back and forth. The pole was buried so deep in the ground, how could it shake like that? There weren't any fissures in the ground. I realized that the pole was nodding at me! Master was encouraging me to keep doing a good job clarifying the truth!

No Notions About Being Persecuted

My mother and I weren't afraid. We often kept each other company. We laughed and talked, and naturally did what we needed to do to save sentient beings in a relaxed way. We had no notions about being persecuted. Any time such thoughts came up we immediately eliminated them. We knew Master was protecting us, so what was there to fear? We were doing the most righteous and holy thing. No one dared to interfere with us. We followed the teachings of Falun Dafa and believed in Master.

Nothing Interferes with My Mother Studying the Fa

My mother takes every opportunity to read the Fa with a pure heart. She cleans her hands and reads Dafa books for a while when she has a chance between chores. One time when I arrived at home, several workmen were installing a heating system and making a huge racket. She was sitting on the couch in full lotus reading Zhuan Falun. She was still able to concentrate in such a noisy environment!

4. Family Life Improves with Good Cultivation

Husband a Scoundrel in the Underworld--On Verge of Divorce

My husband was a scoundrel in the underworld. He had a reputation far and near of getting into fights. My father-in-law urinated in the courtyard when I was busy working there. When I first got married I was respectful towards my parents-in-law and even washed their undergarments. During the month when Chinese women stay at home following childbirth, my mother-in-law wasn't willing to take care of me, so my mother came. My parents-in-law spread gossip everywhere that my mother was ignorant. My husband beat and cursed at me when he was unhappy. I developed angina around this time. The conflicts were so bad that I almost got divorced.

Looking Within

After I started practicing, I came to understand things from the perspective of the Fa. I knew that I shouldn't complain or hate anyone, and knew I needed to look within whenever there was a problem. I needed to change my irritable disposition. I knew that only then could my family life change and become more harmonious.

Respecting In-Laws

I used my dowry to buy an air conditioner for the whole family. My father-in-law cursed at the workers. I said to him, “I respect you as my elder. Please don't curse. I used my dowry to buy an air-conditioner for the family. I didn't spend your money. What is there to curse at? If I didn't practice Falun Gong, it would be strange if I didn't severely scold you!” My father-in-law knew he was out of line and left.

Husband Helps Clarify Truth

I once invited an elderly practitioner to watch truth clarification DVDs at my home. My husband walked in and said in a malicious tone, “Who is she?” I didn't say a word. I thought, “This is my home. I can invite whomever I want to. Master is the only person who can arrange my life. No one else can.”

My husband didn't say anything else. Later, other practitioners came over but he no longer interfered. He was afraid of the CCP and the persecution. He grabbed my Dafa books with ill intentions. I pointed at him and said, “Go to that side and don't you dare touch the books!” My husband, who is a trouble maker, said, “I don't dare! I don't dare!” When I saw him watching a movie about the wars in the 1930s and 1940s, I told him, “All the propaganda that you've seen and heard is fake. It deceives people and hurts them. Don't watch that movie!” My husband turned off the TV right away. He then accompanied me and helped me to clarify the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution.

Mother-In-Law Starts Practicing After Seeing Me Change

My sense of morality improved greatly after I started practicing Falun Dafa, as did my health. My mother-in-law noticed that my temperament was better and I no longer had attacks of angina or other illnesses. I no longer needed to take any medicine. As a result, she started practicing and our family environment became more harmonious.


I cry out for Master's help whenever I encounter danger in my dreams. I am saving sentient beings in my dreams. I try not to be over-zealous, but when this occurs I eliminate this attitude and the thoughts associated with it. I'm very diligent in my work. I don't consider earning money to be difficult, but rather take joy in what I do. Why should I be pleased with myself when I cultivate a little better? It's just an indicator that I haven't fully assimilated with the Fa. It is only in comparison with everyday people and my past performance that I have become complacent, but this attitude is not in accordance with the Fa. I have not done enough. I need to continue to do well what I'm supposed to do with righteous thoughts. Thank you Master for saving me!