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Older Man from Chongqing Arrested for Writing Letters to CCP Personnel

Dec. 30, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Chongqing, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Deng Liping, a 69-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Chongqing, delivered letters promoting compassion to the Longxi Community Comprehensive Management Office in the Yubei District on October 21, 2013. He was taken to a brainwashing center by Tan Guogang, the office chief, and Wang Senlin and held for five days. This was his third arrest in two years.

Mr. Deng was arrested in Xiejiawan on August 19, 2012, for giving out a Shen Yun DVD promoting China's 5000 years of culture. He was taken to the Xiejiawan Police Station, detained for over 30 hours, and had his watch, keys, ID, and all his money confiscated.

Afterward, Mr. Deng repeatedly went to the Xiejiawan Police Station and asked He Ping (police ID #: 106693) to return his personal belongings. He Ping ignored his request. Instead, he searched his tote bag many times and took materials such as Minghui Weekly, Shen Yun DVDs, etc.

Torture reenactment: Iron chair

Mr. Deng again went to the Xiejiawan Police Station around 10:30 a.m. on August 19, 2013, to ask about his money and property. He Ping snatched his tote bag, found Shen Yun DVDs, and detained him. He cuffed Mr. Deng's hands and feet to an iron chair. Three officers from the Yubei District 610 Office and officer Wang from the Longxi Community Comprehensive Management Office attempted to get Mr. Deng admitted to the Yubei District Brainwashing Center that afternoon. They heard that the brainwashing center was full, so they took him to a brainwashing center in Changhe Village, Huixing Town, where he was detained in room No. 314. He was held for ten days and released on August 29.

Mr. Deng wrote a letter promoting compassion to He Ping, describing the mental and physical benefits of practicing Falun Gong. He said that freedom of belief is a human right, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) even interferes with what people believe in and what they want to do. He went on to say that the CCP brutally persecutes those who do not comply with the party's logic, threatens them with forced labor, and threatens the futures of their family and children. He pointed out that the CCP causes people to confuse right and wrong and that the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, has destroyed China's traditional culture, corrupted the nation's morals, and destroyed the environment. He advised He Ping to stop persecuting Falun Gong for his own good.

Mr. Deng made several copies of the letter and sent them to the Anjiazui Community and Longxi Community Comprehensive Management Offices on the afternoon of October 21, 2013. At the Longxi Community Comprehensive Management Office, while he was handing over four copies of the letter to Tan Guogang, the office chief; Wang Senlin; He Miao; and Xiao Zhang, Wang Senlin suddenly grabbed his wrist and said, “We will take you home.” Mr. Deng replied, “My home is less than five minutes walk, I can go myself.” They again took Mr. Deng to a brainwashing center in Changhe Village, Huixing Town. Mr. Deng was isolated in room 6206, monitored around the clock, and only given a small bowl of food at each meal – about three to four bites. He was held for five days and released on October 26.

Mr. Deng began to practice Falun Gong on March 29, 1997. In his own words, he got immediate physical and mental benefits – his former heart disease, tenosynovitis, hemorrhoids and other health problems disappeared. He lives according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, treats everyone kindly, has a happy family, and works hard and conscientiously.

Since the persecution of Falun Gong began, Mr. Deng has been arrested and detained several times. He was sentenced to a forced labor camp for a year and a half in 2007 because he wrote a letter promoting compassion to Yuan Xiaojun, a policeman responsible for the household registry.

Half of the rooms in the brainwashing center in Changhe Village, including rooms 6202, 6204, 6206, 6208, 6210, and 6212, are occupied by Falun Gong practitioners. The brainwashing center staff revealed that CCP personnel seized quite a few practitioners in the Longji Area of Longxi and took them to a brainwashing center.

People involved in the persecution in Changhe Village include: Zhou Yong, former head of the Wangxiangtai Brainwashing Center in the Yubei District, and Wang Cheng, a plainclothes police officer at the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp.