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Falun Dafa Practitioners in Jilin City, China Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year (21 greetings) (Images)

Dec. 31, 2013

(Minghui.org) When the New Year comes, Falun Dafa practitioners around the world traditionally send greetings to the Minghui website. Along with the greetings are scores of homemade greeting cards, poems and photographs sent to respectfully wish our compassionate and selfless Master Li Hongzhi a Happy New Year. They express gratitude for Master’s compassionate salvation.

In this report, we list some of the 21 greetings sent to revered Master from Falun Dafa practitioners in Jilin City, Jilin Province, China:

A four-person Fa-study group wrote in their greetings, “Revered Master, you've been working hard! Disciples miss you! We are grateful to Master's compasionate salvation! In the New Year, we will double our effort to strive forward diligently, and keep Master's teachings in mind and help more people learn the truth. We will compare with each other in cultivation and improve as a whole. We will live up to our mission and follow Master return home.”

Practitioners sent their greetings to Master from Shulan City; Jiaohe City; Jiangnan, Zhongdong and Tiedong of Jilin City; the Jiangbei area; Changyi District; Longtan District.

Greetings were also received from practitioners of Korean ethnic minority; a Fa-study Group in Jiaohe City; mother and daughter practitioners in Jiaohe City; a practitioner's family of three; a family-based materials production site; a Fa-study Group in Changyi District; a practitioner's family of four.