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Two Prison Guards Punished for Passing Materials for Jailed Falun Gong Practitioners

Dec. 7, 2013 |   By a practitioner in Heilongjiang Province

(Minghui.org) Officials in Jiamusi Prison in Heilongjiang Province recently demoted Zheng Qinghai and Zhang Ming from officers to regular guards for passing materials on behalf of detained practitioners. The two practitioners involved are Mr. Shang Xiping from Huanan and Mr. Meng Xianguo from Baoqing. Mr. Shang Xiping was transferred to Hulan Prison and Mr. Meng was transferred to Tailai Prison.

This started with the deaths of detained practitioners Mr. Qin Yueming, Mr. Yu Yungang, and Mr. Liu Chuanjiang. Media reports on these cases attracted a great deal of attention and concern both from Chinese and overseas human right groups. Mr. Qin's family hired attorneys and brought the case to the Jiamusi City Procuratorate Office, provincial court, and to the supreme court. The torture cases of Mr. Lin Zehua and Mr. Zhang Puhe, which led to their disability, were also publicly exposed and their families have filed lawsuits.

These series of incidents worried the Communist Party officials. Instead of pursuing justice, on May 23, 2013 they initiated a month-long investigation to identify who leaked the news to the media. They bugged the phones of Jiamusi residents and prison guards, as well as monitoring people they suspected. In addition, officials worked with armed police to search for “forbidden items” by checking clothes, bedding, and everywhere they could think of. Even the prison guards were body searched and many electronic communication devices were not allowed. If any practitioners were found with Falun Gong books, materials, or electronics, they were beaten and put in solitary confinement.

The Minghui website reported on June 10 that prison manager Yu Chunliang beat practitioner Mr. Meng. Yu ordered inmates to search his bed on June 15 and they confiscated his personal belongings, including Falun Gong articles, electronic books, and an MP3 player. When he beat Mr. Meng again the next day, Mr. Meng told him to stop the brutality.

Officials suspected that officers Zheng and Zhang passed materials for detained practitioners, so they demoted them from officers to regular guards. They also interrogated them, but released them afterward. Other prison officers and guards were shocked to hear this news because passing materials for detainees is not unusual in the prison. The severe punishment imposed on these officers highlights the paranoia that the Party has towards Falun Gong.

Everyone is responsible for his or her deeds. Just as those who carried out the genocide during World War II, those who persecute Falun Gong will also be brought to justice.

People responsible for the persecution:

Heilongjiang Province Prison Administration Bureau: +86-451-86335924

Zhou Jinhua, Prison Political Division: +86-451-86331628

Liu Weimin, Heilongjiang Prison Party Head: +86-451-86316442, +86-451-86342238

Ai Hongwu, Heilongjiang 610 Office: +86-13946743885

Please refer to the original Chinese article for more people and offices involved in the persecution.