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Six Practitioners Sentenced to Prison in Penglai City

Feb. 6, 2013 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Penglai 610 Office is responsible for the arrests and sentencing of six Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Li Yongliang, Mr. Sun Ruxue, Mr. Gong Yuqian, Mr. Wang Yunji, Wang Youshi, and Sun Hushen were sentenced to from four to seven years in prison. Mr. Wang Yunji, in his 80s, was sentenced to seven years because he has a computer at home.

All six practitioners are over 60 years old. They were healthy because they practiced Falun Gong, but their health deteriorated during detention. Twice they were sent to Jinan Prison, where prison authorities refused to admit them because they did not pass the physical. They are now in the Penglai Detention Center, and their families are worried about them. The authorities have been evading the issue whenever their families ask for their release.

The six practitioners, plus Wang Shuqin, Sun Shuqin, and Ms. Xue were reading Falun Gong books together on February 23, 2012. They were reported and arrested by officers from the Daxindian Police Department. Ms. Wang Shuqin, in her 70s, was released after having 1,000 yuan extorted from her. Ms. Sun Shuqin is Mr. Wang Yunji's wife. She wasn't feeling very well and was released after being “fined” 1,400 yuan. Ms. Xue was released after handing over 500 yuan.

Mr. Sun Ruxue, in his 60s, began practicing Falun Gong in 2000. He was arrested several times for practicing. He was taken to the notorious Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in 2002 by officers from the Penglai Police Department. He was held in solitary confinement and monitored around the clock because he refused to renounce Falun Gong. They first let him sleep two hours and then gradually reduced his sleep time to ten minutes. It lasted for over two weeks.

Mr. Sun was again arrested in Yantai City in November 2006. He was taken to the Penglai Brainwashing Center and detained for three months. Mr. Sun resisted the brainwashing. During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Mr. Sun was arrested at home and detained for 15 days. Shortly after he returned home, on August 29, he was again arrested in the lead up to the 2008 Paralympics. He was arrested on February 23, 2012, and sentenced to four years in prison.

Mr. Gong, in his 70s, was arrested several times for practicing Falun Gong. He was taken to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in 2000. He was again arrested in Yantai City in November 2006. He was taken to the Penglai Brainwashing Center and detained for three months. The police found his name on the truth-clarification DVD envelope when they were ransacking a practitioner's home on February 23, 2012. The police arrested him and ransacked his home. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

Mr. Wang Yunji, in his 80s, was arrested on February 23, 2012. The police ransacked his home and confiscated a computer, printer, and other personal belongings. He was sentenced to seven years in prison.

Mr. Li Yongliang, in his 70s, was arrested on February 23, 2012, while talking to other practitioners at home. The police ransacked his home and confiscated a computer and other personal belongings. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

Mr. Wang Youshi, in his 70s, was sentenced to four years in prison.

Parties involved in the persecution:
Han Guochang, president of the Penglai City Court: +86-535-5633369, +86-13605350677 (Cell)
Hu Kunzuo, director of the Penglai Police Department: +86-535-5636333, +86-13905356333 (Cell)
Liu Yuming, chief of the Domestic Security Division: +86-535-5606050, +86-13708910199 (Cell)
Lin Baijie, director of the Daxindian Police Station: +86-535-5717377 (Office), +86-15905359818 (Cell)
Li Yuelian, head of the Daxindian 610 Office: +86-15853582925 (Cell)