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Clarifying the Truth at European Tourist Sites to Help Chinese Tourists Quit the Chinese Communist Party

Feb. 8, 2013 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Germany

(Minghui.org) It is the off season for tourism right now. The number of regular tourist groups from mainland China has decreased, but the number of small groups of tourists has increased. Among those in the groups of officials, there are fewer who oppose and argue, and most will actually listen to the truth about Falun Gong.

When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is mentioned, most tourists from China instantly start cursing it and readily quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations with little hesitation. The Chinese tourists often come to our volunteers to quit the Party. A group of tourists from Shanghai purposely started a conversation with a volunteer. A middle aged man said, “I am a member of the CCP and I haven't quit the Party yet.” The volunteer smiled, “I can help you. How about using the nickname 'Fuhai”' to bring luck back to Shanghai.” The man was very happy and kept on bowing to the volunteer with his hands folded in front of his chest. More than ten of his compatriots followed his example and quit the Party as well.

More and more tourists are shouting, “Falun Dafa is good!” when they see our volunteers. Some give thumbs up to the volunteers and say, “You have worked hard. Thanks to Falun Gong. We wish your Master a happy new year.” If anyone says anything bad about Falun Gong, someone will instantly step forward to stop him.

The Chinese tourists come in small vehicles and normally head straight to the boutiques once they get out of their cars. When they return, they are carrying many shopping bags. Though some do not take the truth-clarification materials, they listen carefully to the volunteers explain the facts. Some don't make a stand with so many people around, yet they turn around, nodding to signal the volunteers that they would like to quit. When the volunteers pick nicknames for them, they nod and smile. Some of the leaders will not let their team members take any of the truth-clarification brochures or flyers. The volunteers tell the ones in the back, “It is okay that you don't take any materials, but you should quit the Party. You won't be saved if you listen to your team leader. If you don't quit, you won't be able to stay.” Out of seven people in that group, three that walked in the back quit the Party.

Chinese tourists ask, “Are those Falun Gong flyers? I'll take one!”

When Chinese tourists get out of their cars, they often ask immediately, “Are those Falun Gong fliers? If so, I'll take one.” A tourist who once stood nearby also said, “I don't want to read anything else except Falun Gong fliers.” The Chinese tourists usually get truth-clarification materials first and put them in their cars before going shopping.

One bus stopped only for a little while before leaving. A young man sitting inside who seemed like the tour guide said to the volunteers outside, “Oh, Falun Gong fliers. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Give me some copies right here and I'll pass them out and spread the word for you.” A volunteer stood by the door and said to the tourists inside the bus, “The bus will only stop here for a short time today. There's not enough time to quit the Party. Please don't forget about 'quitting the Party and its affiliated organizations.' Please remember that 'Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.'” The young man who helped to pass out materials told the tourists inside the bus, “Did you all hear what the volunteer said? Remember, 'Falun Dafa is good, and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.' Don't forget to quit the Party.” The tourists responded, “How could we not remember? We got it!” With the bus full of tourists, some waves their hands and others waved the truth-clarification materials saying good-bye to the volunteers outside the bus.

A tour guide: “The CCP persecutes Falun Gong—it's obviously a mistake!”

A young man who didn't look familiar got out of a car. He was running back and forth and seemed to be a tour guide. A volunteer started talking to him and found out that he was actually from the volunteer's hometown. The volunteer asked, “Have you ever joined the CCP?” The tour guide said, “Join the CCP? Not me! I do not love the CCP, but I love China.” The volunteer praised him for being a wise man and suggested, “Let me help you pick a nickname so you can quit the Party and its affiliated organizations.” He said cheerfully, “Quit the Party? No problem.” The volunteer asked, “Do you know about the CCP harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners?” The tour guide said, “How could I not know? It is such a big deal, so how could I not know?” The volunteer asked, “Is it right that the CCP persecutes Falun Gong?” The tour guide said, “Of course not, it's obviously a mistake. Who doesn't think that nowadays?”

The tour guide was going to continue but saw someone waving at him, so he took a brochure, said goodbye to the volunteer, and left.

A Chinese merchant: “You guys are thinking about the Chinese people, too!”

A man in his 50s once heard the volunteers say “Happy New Year” to the Chinese tourists, so he cheerfully said, “I wish you a Happy New Year, too!” When he saw the materials and copies of the Epoch Times in the volunteers' hands, he pointed at the Epoch Times and said, “I am even happier that I have this newspaper to read. I love reading this newspaper. They dare to speak the truth.” He told the volunteer that he was a businessman. Since there are so many greedy and corrupt officials in China, he couldn't continue doing business in China anymore and had immigrated to Australia a few years before. He said, “The CCP never considers the Chinese people and never cares about their fate. People all say that the Chinese economy has developed in recent years, yet the money has all gone to the princelings of China. No matter what they do, it's all for the CCP's benefit.”

He said that after he had made some money, he left China to travel and see different things. He then said emotionally, “I was able to leave China and travel to different places. What about those who cannot?” The volunteer said, “You have a kind heart and are very sympathetic. You even think about those people who can't leave China.” He said, “We are all suffering Chinese. Aren't you the same way—thinking about the Chinese people? Living in a foreign county, you are not just sitting at home and enjoying your comfortable life. On such a cold day, and not caring about the wind or the snow, you are here telling the Chinese to not be fooled by the CCP's lies. And you have been doing this for so many years. It is not easy. I have been to many places and often see Falun Gong practitioners just like you. I am very touched.”

He said that he had not joined any of the CCP's organizations. “I saw through the CCP a long time ago, and I didn't even join the Young Pioneers. In my lifetime, the CCP is what I've hated the most!” Before leaving, he asked for a brochure and said, “I only like to read your fliers. Falun Gong is remarkable.”

To a young couple: “It's not enough to just hate and curse the CCP, you have to quit.”

A young couple asked for a flyer and spoke politely to a volunteer. The husband said that he often broke through the blockade to get on the Internet in China. The Internet had been blocked again recently, yet the special software he uses to get through the firewall is very effective and soon he was able to get on the Internet again. He said, “I have become very familiar with the websites outside of China. It feels weird when I am not able to get on those websites, and I don't feel as confident in what I read.”

He asked the volunteer, “I have joined the CCP—what should I do? My wife is also a member. We joined the Party only because we wanted to find jobs. As you know, after finishing graduate school, it is really hard to find a job. Without knowing any influential people or the Party's high ranking officials, one can never find a decent job. We joined the Party, not because we believed in Communism or that we loved the CCP but to get work. Who doesn't curse the CCP? Is it still a human society under the Communist rule? It is hard to survive in such a society.”

He said, “Now I know it's not enough to just hate and curse the CCP, we have to quit it. Then, when the CCP receives its retribution, we will not be implicated.” He was worried, because he didn't know the details about how to register to quit. The volunteer said, “I am a volunteer at the 'Service Center for Quitting the CCP.' I help Chinese people create an announcement on the Epoch Times' “Quitting the Party” website to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations. The young man said cheerfully, “Then please help both of us to quit.” The volunteer saw that his wife had walked away to take pictures and asked him, “Does your wife agree?” He said quickly, “She agrees, of course she agrees. We curse the CCP for all the unethical things that it does all the time. I know her best. Please don't worry. Quitting the Party is a good thing.”

An official: “Then please help me quit.”

A group of Chinese officials who came in a small bus all went shopping at the boutiques. One of them, a man in his 60s, came to smoke outside. A volunteer asked him, “Why not take the truth-clarification materials?” He said, “Someone is watching and I don't want any trouble.” The volunteer said, “Well then, I will tell you about it. It also works if you understand me.”

After listening for a while, the official said, “I have heard about the cases of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang. I can accept what you said. I also agree that good is rewarded with good and evil will receive retribution. Can't I just not do bad things?” The volunteer said, “People who practice Falun Gong are all good people. Knowing clearly that the CCP is persecuting good people, and yet pretending that you don't know anything and play dumb, is that the right thing to do? Shouldn't you speak and act according to your conscience? If you could use your social status for good deeds, speak justly for Falun Gong within your power, and shield Falun Gong from being persecuted, then you will have done a great good deed. Maybe in your next life you will be a high ranking official or gain a great fortune.” As soon as he heard this, he stopped for a second and said, “Is that so?” The volunteer said, “It is the heavenly law of good begetting good and evil incurring retribution. Those who do bad deeds will for sure receive retribution and the family of Bo Xilai is an example. Those who do good deeds will most certainly receive great blessings. Anyone that does something to help Falun Gong is doing a great good deed and will accumulate a lot of virtue.”

The official put out his cigarette and seemed to have been touched. The volunteer said, “Inside the CCP, every single official is greedy or corrupt. If they are not, they can't last long in the Party.” Hearing this, the official smiled. The volunteer said, “The entire CCP system is corrupt and helpless. It has done a huge bad deed by persecuting Falun Gong, and heaven will eliminate it. If you don't want to go down with it, then quit the Party and its affiliated organizations. Should I help you pick a nickname so you can quit?” He looked around carefully, exhaled deeply, and said, “Then please help me quit.”

A bus full of officials listen to a volunteer clarifying the truth

A small bus with its door open waited for the Chinese tourists shopping at the boutiques. As the tourists returned, each had at least three shopping bags in hand. They all seemed affluent and powerful. A volunteer went up to them and said, “How are you? Happy New Year! Here is a copy of the New Year edition of this newspaper.” Some took the newspaper, until a man nearby said, “It's Falun Gong!” After hearing this, the people behind him didn't extend their hands anymore.

The volunteer said, “So what if it's Falun Gong? Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and try to be good people. They are not greedy or corrupt, and think about others all the time no matter where they are. Where else can you find such a group of good people nowadays? On such a cold day, we hand out newspapers for you to read and do not charge you one cent. We deliver it to your hands so you can learn the truth and save yourselves. Everybody knows that Falun Gong practitioners are helping people to quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations, but why? Who are we doing this for? We are doing this in order to tell those who are fooled by the CCP's lies to hurry and escape the catastrophe, which includes all of you.”

Hearing this, someone tried to break the ice and said, “Falun Gong. It's okay, it's okay.” The volunteer said, “Your attitude toward Falun Gong is not a joke. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance not only is not wrong, but is the sole criterion to discern good and bad. Whoever is against Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is bad, and only those who identify with Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are good. If someone believes the CCP's lies, hates Falun Gong, and opposes the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, then he or she will have the same ending as the CCP and will be eliminated. Bo Xilai followed in Jiang Zemin's footsteps in persecuting Falun Gong and committed the crimes of organ harvesting and trafficking in corpses. He has already started to receive retribution. The evidence of organ harvesting has been submitted to the U.S. Government by Wang Lijun. Once exposed, will the CCP still be able to exist?” Everybody on the bus listened wide-eyed and barely dared to breathe.

The volunteer said, “Please take the opportunity to learn the facts, see the true nature of the CCP, choose good over evil, and position yourselves wisely. When heaven exterminates the CCP, you will be able to escape disaster and stay safe. If it's not convenient to quit the Party now, do it next time. I hope everyone here will have a great future.”

During the entire time, nobody on the bus made a sound. In the end, the young tour guide broke the silence and said to the volunteer, “Auntie, we'll leave now.” He waved and closed the door to the bus.