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The Story of How Falun Dafa Came to Our Village

June 7, 2013 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I live in a small village surrounded by mountains that is populated by sixteen families of about sixty people in all. For centuries, a narrow path has been our only means of contact with the outside world. A fountain near the entrance is simply divine and supplies the whole village with water. It was a tiny corner of the world; shut off, discrete, no electricity, and no hospital. We “go to bed with the lamb, and rise with the lark.”

One day in May 2007, a young woman arrived at my home in a panic, and my grandmother allowed her to come inside. The woman was a middle school teacher named Xiao Fang, and she had been sentenced to eight years in prison for her belief in Falun Dafa. In transit to the prison with Xiao Fang, the guards stopped to pick some fruit on the mountain near our village. Xiao Fang took this opportunity to escape from the police.

Xiao Fang once had a happy family life. Her husband was a government official, but unfortunately the higher he rose in rank, the worse his moral character became. Her husband was soon indulging in disgusting orgies of eating, drinking and gambling and he frequented the brothels. Xiao Fang was not able to endure it any more, and one day she jumped from a three story building. As it turned out, heaven would not help her to achieve her aim, and she survived the fall. She did, however, sustain severe fractures to both legs and was not able to stand.

In August 1995, Xiao Fang received the book, Zhuan Falun, from the schoolmaster. While reading the book, she felt very comfortable, but also tearful, much like a girl meeting her mother after a long separation. In tears, she spent the next thirty hours reading the whole book three times. She then felt quite hungry and attempted to fix a meal for herself. She tripped over one foot of her wheelchair and stood up involuntarily. Suddenly, she realized that in the past 30 hours, Master had transformed her from a disabled wheelchair dependent woman of two years, to a healthy person! She was unable to restrain herself again and burst into tears. Master gave her a second life!

After witnessing her amazing story, her neighbors, colleagues, friends and relatives started practicing Falun Dafa as well. Together they formed a large practice site and hundreds gathered to do the Falun Dafa exercises for one hour each morning. Since they all followed the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in their lives, their families became harmonious, their bodies became healthy, and their moral character improved.

A paranoid dictator’s fear and jealousy of the rapid growth and soaring popularity of Falun Dafa, led the former Chinese Communist Party leader, Jiang Zemin, to launch a persecution campaign against Falun Dafa in 1999. Like other practitioners, Xiao Fang was illegally arrested and sentenced to 8 years in prison because she refused to betray Falun Dafa.

Our whole family was touched by her story and admired her dedication to cultivation practice. Xiao Fang became like one of our family and we all started practicing Falun Dafa with her. My family members benefited immensely from the practice of Falun Dafa. My grandmother recovered from the asthma that had plagued her for over fifty years. My older brother had experienced painful spasms for over twenty years and now they have disappeared completely. Words cannot express our gratitude towards Master.

Xiao Fang set up a simple school, teaching the villagers how to read. Soon, everyone in our village began practicing Falun Dafa. In addition, she taught us how to drill wells, mend roads, and produce electricity for our village. With her help, within four years, tremendous changes happened in this mountain village.

Unfortunately, one day four police cars broke into our village and seized Xiao Fang while she was giving us a Chinese lesson. In addition, they took away 10 other villagers who tried to stop the arrest of Xiao Fang.

It is an intolerable justice to arrest such a kind woman. In the end, good will always be rewarded and evil will be punished; it is simply a matter of time.