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Mr. Jia Bin Secretly Transferred to Chifeng City

Jan. 10, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jia Bin from Bairin Left Banner, Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, has been secretly illegally sentenced to five years in prison. He was then covertly transferred to Chifeng City. His exact whereabouts are unknown.

Chain of Events

Gao Yanguo and Wang Lixin from the 610 Office, as well as Tian Licheng and Li Hongzhu from the Domestic Security Division of Bairin Left Banner Police Department, broke into Mr. Jia's home on June 4, 2012. Mr. Jia escaped, but the police confiscated his personal belongings that were worth more than 20,000 yuan, including 14,000 yuan in cash.

The police arrested Mr. Jia's wife. Zhao Chunxia, and detained her for more than seven months in the Bairin Left Banner Detention Center before she was released.

Mr. Jia became homeless to avoid persecution, but he was still arrested in Aohan Banner on December 21, 2012. The police threatened to kill him and destroy his family.

Family Given the Runaround

Mr. Jia was secretly tried in the Bairin Left Banner Court and sentenced to five years in prison on June 6, 2013. His family did not know that he was sentenced until they were asked on July 11 if they would appeal for him. The family immediately said that they would appeal, since he was innocent.

Mr. Jia appealed to the Chifeng Intermediate Court on July 18, 2013. His family went to the court to inquire about the case at the beginning of September. The court refused to meet the family, and they only offered a phone number.

Bao Shuying from the Chifeng Intermediate Court said that they would not try him again since they already had enough evidence against him. However, the computer system in the Bairin Left Banner Detention Center did not show any record of the verdict.

In early September, Qiao Liangchang, deputy director of the Bairin Left Banner Detention Center, claimed that the Chifeng Intermediate Court had upheld the original verdict, telling Mr. Jia's family to visit him in October.

The family went to the detention center three times, but they were never allowed to see him. The family went to the detention center again and talked to director Hao Zhongmin on November 14, 2013, but he still did not allow them to see Mr. Jia. However, when Hao Zhongmin was leaving, Mr. Jia's 10-year-old son followed him and held his arm, crying and begging him, “Sir, please let me see my father.” Hao Zhongmin told the boy, “Let me go. I will find a way for you to see your father.” Finally, Mr. Jia's relatives, wife, and children were able to watch him for 20 minutes from a monitoring video.

Mr. Jia's family went to the detention center again to see him in December, 2013. The staff told the family that Mr. Jia had been transferred to Chifeng City 10 days before.

Parties Responsible for Persecuting Mr. Jia:

Hao Zhongmin (郝忠民), director of the Bairin Left Banner Detention Center: +86-13847968699 (Cell), +86-476-7886799, +86-476-7890009 Qiao Changliang (乔常亮), deputy director of the Bairin Left Banner Detention Center: +86-15548393644(Cell) Zhang Wenkai (张文凯), director of the Bairin Left Banner Police Department: +86-476-5809555, +86-13904767222 (Cell), +86-18604767333 (Cell) Song Hailong (宋海龙), captain of the Domestic Security Division: +86-18647658897 (Cell)

Please refer to the original Chinese text for more names and telephone numbers.

Related article:

Mr. Jia Bin's Family Call for Investigation into Criminal Conduct of Baarin Police