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Judge Ms. Li Meiping from Guangdong Province Arrested Again

Jan. 10, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Former judge Ms. Li Meiping from Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, has been arrested yet again for explaining the facts about Falun Gong to people in the Meixian District. Her house was searched and ransacked and she is now illegally detained at Fuda Detention Center in Mei County. Please provide more information if you know anything about her current situation.

Persecuted Since 1999

Ms. Li Meiping was a judge at the Meijiang District Court in Meizhou City. She has been arrested and persecuted many times for refusing to give up the practice of Falun Gong.

On July 22, 1999 she was forced to watch a CCTV program at her workplace that slandered her belief. Because she refused to give up her practice, she was relieved of her duties a few days later.

Around September 1999, Ms. Li was arrested and her home was ransacked. More than one hundred Dafa books and many portraits of Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa, were confiscated. It was reported that a truckload of police armed with sub-machine guns were present at the time. Ms. Li was taken away and detained at the Qinhuang Detention Center in the Meijiang District of Meizhou City. Later, she was transferred to a detention center in Jiaoling County and then to Yuemei Detention Center in the Meijiang District. She was released after 17 days.

On October 31, 1999 she wanted to go with other practitioners to validate Falun Dafa in Beijing, but was stopped in Guangzhou, arrested, and detained for a month.

On January 1, 2000, while doing group exercises at the Meizhou City Cultural Park, she was arrested again by police from the Meijiang District and taken to the Qinhuang Detention Center. Later, she was taken to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp in Guangdong Province, where she was persecuted for three years.

On November 10, 2004, Ms. Li was on her way to distribute Falun Gong flyers in Meizhou City when she was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison.

According to reports, she was severely tortured in Guangdong Women's Prison. During a "physical," they injected poison into her vagina, causing her bleed, and she menstruating stopped for two months. For more than half a month she had difficulty getting out of her bed, and the upper part of her body was sore, especially her back.

Ms. Li suffered all kinds of torture in prison. For example, she was not allowed to sleep if she refused to cooperate and finish the so-called “written homework.” As a result, her health was severely damaged. She was released around August 2009.

On November 1, 2013, Ms. Li was taken from her home. Her Dafa books, computer, and other personal belongings were also confiscated. She was detained at the Qinhuang Detention Center in Meizhou City, then sent to the provincial brainwashing center in Sanshui, Guangdong Province, until around January 28, 2013. Now, she has been arrested again.

Parties Involved in Persecuting Ms. Li:

1. Liu Guanglu (刘广泸) from the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of the Meixian District (in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong): +86-13902789018 2. Domestic Security Division of Meixian District: +86-753-2581281, 2581283 3. Luo Zhanxiong (罗展雄), division head of Domestic Security Division: +86-13923032638(C), +86-753-2523681 (H) Luo is from Yaoshang, Nankou Township of Mei County District; his wife is head of Guangya Kindergarten in Mei County: +86-753-2526954 (kindergarten office); +86-139023036322 (C ), 18023526722 (C )