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Army General Quits the CCP and Experiences Blessings

Jan. 12, 2014 |   By Qing Si, a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) An old friend of mine is an army general in his fifties. Prior to the persecution I had given him a copy of the book Zhuan Falun, which I believe he read. I believe he came to understand that Falun Dafa is a righteous Fa. Although he realized its value, he didn't start practicing Falun Gong.

After Jiang's regime started the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, my friend returned the copy of Zhuan Falun . I was very touched when he gave the book to me, as the book was not confiscated and I would be able to keep it safe this way. Of course I also understood his other meaning, which was that I shouldn't mention that he had read Zhuan Falun to anyone in the army.

When the army officials asked me if I knew anyone else in the army who practiced Falun Gong, I replied that I was the only one who practiced Falun Gong. (Actually many people had read Zhuan Falun because I had given the book to many people.) Thus my friend didn't become the target of persecution. When we met again after July 20, 1999, he avoided the topic of Falun Gong. I didn't mention it to him either, because I didn't want him to be persecuted.

Before I started practicing Falun Gong, people around me knew that I suffered from many chronic diseases, and saw doctors regularly. They knew the suffering I went through. They also realized that I recovered from all of my illnesses after I started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, and they witnessed my positive physical and mental changes.

However in 2004, after severe persecution, I gave up Falun Gong, and my health deteriorated quickly. I soon became worse than I was before I started practicing. People around me saw again how I suffered from illnesses, and how I had to go to see doctors again. I suffered like this until July 2008.

Thanks to Master's compassionate care, I was awakened and picked up Falun Gong again. I had been ill and in bed for over a month. The moment I decided to come back to Dafa, my illnesses disappeared instantly, and I was able to get out of bed. I was so thankful to Master and could not hold back my tears. The next day I went downstairs and watered the vegetable garden. People around me asked why I had suddenly become so healthy. I said to them with a smile, “I started practicing Falun Gong again.” So people around me witnessed the wonderfulness of Falun Dafa and its amazing healing effects again. My friend, the army general, was one of those who witnessed this miracle.

My friend was a devout believer in Buddhism and had a shrine in his home. He had a successful career which had gone smoothly most of the time, though occasionally there were little ups and downs. Finally, when he became a general, he was admired by all people.

He was in good health and energetic, until one day, when a big illness hit him. He suffered immensely and looked a lot older within a short period of time. I was surprised when I saw him in an assembly. I barely recognized him, though I had known him for nearly twenty years. I could not hold back my tears. I felt that Master was beside me and was encouraging me to save him.

I only had the thought of saving him in my mind. I couldn't let illness take away his life. I began to clarify the truth to him. Because he was a general, his subordinates greeted him one after another, and we were interrupted constantly. I said to him that I would like talk to him for half an hour without any interruptions, and that I would like to help him recover. He agreed.

When I pointed out the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to him, he agreed with me. When I said that Heaven, rather than human beings, will eliminate the CCP due to its huge wrongdoings, and it is what all righteous Gods intend to do, he accepted my words. But when I said that by withdrawing from the CCP he would be safe and would not be buried with the CCP when the Heaven eliminate it, he didn't accept it.

He said that he believed in Buddhism, and Buddha would bless him. I asked him, “You were very devoted in burning incense for and kowtowing to Buddha statues, and you ended up like this?” I continued, “Have you noticed how I changed after I started practicing Falun Gong and how my health reversed when I gave it up when I was persecuted, and how I regained my health again after I picked it up again? Then please tell me who is the real Lord.” He became silent.

I asked him, “Do you know why I have the courage to talk to you like this today? Our Master who gave me courage. He is the one who will save us before all these catastrophes. Our Master told me to talk to you. You once upon a time were a king and descended here from a remote kingdom. You came to this world to obtain this Fa. You have suffered numerous hardships life after life, and you came to the human world with a mission. Your sentient beings in Heaven are waiting for your return, and are crying when they see that you are lost like this. You are a man with great inborn quality and good fortune. How could you become like this? You should be responsible to yourself and those you are responsible for.”

He seemed to understand what I said and awakened a bit. I asked him if he felt better physically, because I saw that his face had turned from pale to rosy. I said to him that it was the positive energy and our Master's compassion. I said that Master had already saved him and asked him to please withdraw from the CCP quickly. He agreed.

I said to my friend, “If you sincerely recite 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' my Master will protect you, and your health will improve daily for sure. You don't need to have medical intervention.” I said this with assurance.

My friend got into his car, and his subordinates stood in a line and saw him off after the assembly. Before he departed, I suddenly remembered something and went to him with everybody looking at me. He got out of his car and said to me quietly, “Falun Dafa is good.” I replied, “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I later learned from his friends that his health was improving day by day.

I went to see my friend over the Chinese New Year of 2012. He had recovered quite well. This year during the Qingming Festival I saw him again and he was still in good health and in good spirits. He had gained some weight as well. His plan for surgery was canceled. I sincerely encouraged him to take care of himself and treasure his health. He was very happy to see me and asked me to recite something for him. I knew what he meant. I said to him with a smile,

“The Buddha-light illuminates everywhere and rectifies all abnormalities.” (Zhuan Falun)

You will get better and better if you keep reciting 'Falun Dafa is good' and 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' from your heart.”

Thanks to Master's compassion, one life more has been saved. Thank you Master for your salvation!