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Letting Go of "Self" Frees Me from Anxiety

Jan. 24, 2014 |   By Weiming

(Minghui.org) Every practitioner has obtained tremendous abilities from Master and Dafa. They have just not manifested in our dimension. As we get closer to the end of Fa-rectification, we should pay more attention to not allowing evil to interfere with our minds. Master already told us about this in His lectures. My personal understanding is that since the evil cannot win by directly combating with us, it targets our minds and distracts us from focusing on our missions.

Tribulations are indeed good for cultivation. Once we let go of the attachments that are exposed through tribulations, we find ourselves improving step by step. I used to always become anxious, worrying about improving myself, but once I calmed down and told myself not to worry so much, Master always let me know what was wrong and needed correcting.

Master said:

“If you've fallen don't just lie there, get up right away!” (“Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference”)

Master also said:

“The ancients have a saying, “Having heard the Dao in the morning, one can die in the evening.””(“Melt Into the Fa” from Essentials for Further Advancement)

Not to mention that we are Dafa disciples during the Fa-rectification period!

When I kept worrying, “I cannot make it; I cannot find the attachment,” in my subconsciousness, I was still trying to solve the surface problems, instead of nobly cultivating as a Falun Dafa practitioner. This has been my biggest problem in cultivation. It was caused by fear. I could not let go “self.” I wanted to do the minimum to cultivate myself, without any risk. Since I was not able to fundamentally let go of “self,” I was not able to nobly cultivate myself and surrender to the Fa. The fundamental cause of all my tribulations was actually an issue of believing in Master and the Fa.

Fa-rectification has not ended yet. There are still precious sentient beings, many of whom were our family members in previous lives, facing dire consequences. We have no excuse to not solidly cultivate ourselves.

We must keep Master's teachings in mind:

“The Fa can break all attachments, the Fa can destroy all evil, the Fa can shatter all lies, and the Fa can strengthen righteous thoughts.” (“Drive Out Interference” from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Let's truly and solidly cultivate ourselves at this final phase of Fa-rectification, so that Master will be happy for us. Do not let the evil destroy our billions of years of hard work and expectations!