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Couple Arrested for Watching Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD in Their Own Home

Jan. 29, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Wang Xuanhua and his wife, Ms. Li Huiling, were illegally arrested for watching a Shen Yun Performing Arts DVD. Their home was also searched and ransacked.

The couple make a living running a small stall in Xifeng County, Liaoning Province. On the afternoon of July 8, 2013, as they were leaving home to go set up their stall, Li Peng, an officer from the Dongcheng Police Station, came to check their rented house. Li switched on their DVD player without the couple's permission. When he saw it was a Shen Yun performance, he was convinced that they were Falun Gong practitioners and called the local police to arrest them and search their home.

Their case was dismissed twice by the Procuratorate for lack of evidence, but the Dongcheng Police Station is still trying to frame them.

Relatives Hire an Attorney

Outraged by this ridiculous and illegal persecution, their relatives hired an attorney to defend them. The attorney demanded their acquittal and the return of all their personal belongings. The police had taken several items from their home, including cash. The attorney said that the illegal conduct of the police would not be tolerated.

The attorney's defense was compelling. The police have returned some of their personal belongings and the cash, but are still holding certain items, including the couple's cell phones.

The couple have been detained for six months now and have never been allowed any family visits. Their relatives are demanding their release, but Dongcheng Police Station officers want to try again to file their case with the Procuratorate.

Parties Involved in Persecuting Mr. Wang and Ms. Li:

Guan Lu'an, head of Dongcheng Police Station: +86-13591091136 Wang Enwei, police officer (main officer handling the case): +86-13841081939 Huang Pengyan, police political head (the main officer handling the case): +86-13941009310 Li Peng, local police officer: +86-15841019888 Bian Jun, Procuratorate officer handling the case: +86-410-77983020

(For more perpetrators' contact information, please refer to the original Chinese article)