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Retired Chief Physician in Jilin: I Firmly Believe Falun Dafa Is Good

Jan. 5, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Jilin Province, China

 (Minghui.org) I am 71 this year. Before I retired, I was a senior doctor. I want to share why I have been determined to practice Falun Gong, with unshakable faith, ever since I started.

I Begin to Practice and My Celestial Eye Opens

In 1994 I was fortunate to attend three of Master's Fa-lectures. In early May 1994, Master held a class at Jilin University in Changchun City. Because many people attended, the class was held at two different times: one during the day and one in the evening. Master taught the same content in both classes. It was a 10-day class. Every day, Master taught for one-and-a-half hours in each class, using half an hour to teach the exercises. In addition, Master purified our bodies.

On the first day, Master asked all the students in the class to raise one hand with the palm facing up to feel the rotation of Falun. All the students could feel a small Falun rotating on their hand. On the second day, some students and I could feel a Falun rotating in our lower abdomen, rotating several times clockwise then several times counter-clockwise. I felt it very clearly. What Master said is true; Falun is installed for us in the dantian area. That same day, Master purified our bodies. Master asked all of us to stand up and relax. Master stood on the stage and suddenly waved his right hand and said, “Go away!” Another practitioner and I saw a light blue flash on Master's right hand.

After we completed the 10-day class, we started to do the exercises every day in the park. When we did the “Standing-Stance,” one practitioner (my neighbor) told me excitedly, “We all had a 'Milky-White Body' while doing this exercise!” The next day, the practitioner again saw that we had a “Milky-White Body” when we did the standing stance exercises. Master was cleansing our bodies to have us reach a state of free of any illness.

When I closed my eyes, I could see colorful lights, various patterns, and a Falun on the ceiling. The Falun was as big as the ceiling and was spinning. The center of Falun rotated very fast, and the speed became slower farther away from the center. The Falun was turning like the Milky Way galaxy, similar to what we see on the weather forecast program on TV. It was turning from the ceiling to the ground, and the room was covered with colorful lights, like rain in the room.

My celestial eye looked at the sky when I was on the way home from work or to work. I could always see a Falun in the sky. When I closed my eyes, I could see countless small colorful Falun everywhere with my celestial eye. That's my experience, a fact.

My Many Illnesses Disappeared

I used to have many ailments before I started practicing Falun Gong. I had rheumatoid arthritis, shoulder arthritis, cervical spondylosis, high blood pressure, tracheitis, pharyngitis, was fragile, and felt dizzy. All my joints were stiff and hurt. After a day's hard work, I often was tired. I usually took a half-hour nap before I started cooking and doing house work. I spent at least 2,000 to 3,000 yuan on medicines each year.

I have now practiced Falun Gong for so many years that I have saved tens of thousands of yuan on medical fees for the country. All my illnesses disappeared after I started practicing Falun Gong. I don't need to take medicine or stay in the hospital anymore.

I became very healthy, and my body became more youthful. Although I am 70 years old, I have often climbed six to seven flights of stairs to distribute truth-clarification materials. I can do this in several buildings on an outing.

At the end of last year, I went to a tall building to deliver materials, and the elevator was out of order. I thought, “I am already here, I should carry out my duty. The sentient beings in this building are waiting for me.” I climbed up to the ninth floor and started delivering materials without stopping. I continued until I finished the top floor--the 18th floor. Then I came down to the eighth floor to continue. After I delivered all 80 packages of materials, I was sweating all over, but I didn't feel tired. People find it hard to believe that a 70-year-old granny could do this.

Several years ago, I helped an elderly woman carry a big bag across the road. After we got across, she said, “Thank you very much! Nowadays it is good that we still have such nice young people around.” Actually I was not young anymore, I was heading toward 70!

Once, I took a bus with my senior bus pass. The driver insisted on checking my bus pass. When he saw it, he said, “You look so young.” A young lady nearby asked if I practiced Tai chi or danced every day. I said, “I practice Falun Gong. It makes people look younger.”

Deeply Impressed by Dafa's Profound Principles

Before I practiced Falun Gong, I didn't know the purpose of life and why one lives a tiring life. Nowadays in society, at the workplace, and at home, people's relationships are tense. Morality is declining. Some people are focused solely on profit, and they will do all kinds of evil things for money.

After practicing Falun Gong, the Fa's boundless and profound principles made me understand the meaning of life: being a human is not the purpose, returning to one's original, true self is the real purpose of being a human.

Meanwhile, I understood the reason for interpersonal conflicts, troubles, suffering and disaster, which do not arise without reason. When Falun Dafa practitioners follow Dafa's principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, are strict with themselves, and look inward when any conflict occurs, all problems will be readily solved.

After practicing Falun Gong, most practitioners benefit from good health, happiness, harmony in the family, and no longer compete and fight at work.

Thus I firmly believe what Master taught in Lunyu from Zhuan Falun:

“'The Buddha Fa' is most profound; among all the theories in the world, it is the most intricate and extraordinary science.”

“... If human beings are able to take a fresh look at themselves as well as the universe and change their rigid mentalities, humankind will make a leap forward. 'The Buddha Fa' enables humankind to understand the immeasurable and boundless world. Throughout the ages, only 'the Buddha Fa' has been able to perfectly provide a clear exposition of humanity, every dimension of material existence, life, and the entire universe.”

I am awed by the great Fa. No matter how the Chinese Communist Party persecutes Dafa, I will always firmly believe that Falun Dafa is good; it is the righteous Fa; it is a true science, not preaching or idealism.