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Art Exhibition Inspires Visitors in Oberried, Germany

Oct. 13, 2014

(Minghui.org) “I hope that these courageous people's love will inspire huge ripples and becomes a movement that brings hope to mankind. Many thanks to this impressive and touching exhibition,” wrote a visitor in the guest book at the Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truth, Compassion, Tolerance) International Exhibition in Oberried, Germany.

The exhibition, consisting of works in oil and watercolor from more than 12 artists, attracted a constant stream of visitors on September 12 and 14. The artworks provide insights into the inner spiritual life of Falun Gong practitioners and the current tragedies taking place in China, where the practice is being brutally persecuted.

Jürgen Müller visited the exhibition with his wife. Mr. Müller is a retired military officer who now works as an administrator for a local monastery library, responsible for collecting and restoring the monastery's artifacts and relics. He also acts as a tour guide for the monastery and the church.

Mr. and Mrs. Müller found the exhibition very meaningful.

“It is a unique and very touching way to describe a tragedy,” Mr. Müller said. “That this kind of persecution, such an inhuman persecution, and taking organs from living people, is happening, I had not heard of this before. These artists do such a great job, using this art form, to illustrate the persecution and these values. The theme of the exhibition, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, is a profound topic.”

Mr. Achim Füssenich rode a bicycle for almost an hour, from Freiburg to Oberried, to see the exhibition.

“The exhibition has such rich content. People can see many aspects of the spiritual discipline of Falun Gong in it,” said. “It also depicts the real experience of the persecution [of Falun Gong] in China, which is very shocking and moving at the same time. This is the truth that the Chinese communist regime doesn't want the world to see.”

Mr. Füssenich wrote in the guest book, “The truth will be revealed sooner or later.”

“I am myself a Christian. I have come to the art exhibition to support Falun Gong because they are persecuted the same as the Christians in China,” he added.

Mr. Achim Füssenich looks at the painting “Illumination.” He said that this painting was his favorite.