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Detention Center Guard: “It Would Be Great if Everyone Practiced Falun Gong”

Oct. 13, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from China

(Minghui.org) I was illegally arrested when I went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in October 1999. The arrest gave me an opportunity to talk to several police officers about Falun Gong. Our conversation was friendly and we talked for about an hour. I told the officers that I had had a good job, a happy family, and social status in the local community. However, just because I practiced Falun Gong, I had been persecuted and my situation was now terrible. The officers were sympathetic and concerned about what would happen to me.

I was sent to a local detention center a week later. I had no regrets because I could continue to follow Master’s teachings, promote Dafa, and be a good person. I was concerned about everyone in the detention center. I did my best to help them whenever they needed it and helped resolve their problems. I tried to help them using Dafa's principles and answer whatever questions they had about the practice. I became friends with the other detainees and they trusted me.

When the holidays came, the cell head asked me to give a presentation to all the detainees about how to be a good person. I did this several times during the nine months I was detained. Those who swore stopped swearing, and those who were hostile stopped fighting. Even those who cried or thought about committing suicide calmed down and were willing to listen.

The guard in charge of watching my cell often swore at and hit others. After she was around Dafa practitioners, she changed. She no longer swore, hit, or punched anyone. Some of the guards also said that they would like to practice Falun Gong with me when I was released.

It's very cold in December, and there wasn't enough bedding for every detainee. At bedtime, the detainees in the next cell always fought tooth and nail for a piece of bedding. Even the guards couldn't stop them.

I decided to donate my money to buy blankets for the detainees in the next cell. I called a guard over and handed her my bank card. I asked her to use it to buy blankets for them.

The guard looked at me hesitantly for a moment then took the card. She turned around and walked next door. She shouted: "Hi, everyone. No more fighting for bedding, please. Ms. (referring to me), your neighbor, is a Falun Gong practitioner and she would like to give her own money to buy bedding for you. It would be great if all of you could practice Falun Gong like her." Her announcement quickly silenced everyone in the detention center. After that, there was no more fighting in the next cell.