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A Grandma's Faith and Falun Dafa's Healing Power

Oct. 13, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Toronto, Canada

(Minghui.org) One morning, Ms. Li called me from home and told me that she fell off a chair and broke her arm. I told her to keep up her righteous thoughts. When I got there in a hour, she was already hospitalized and scheduled for surgery.

Ms. Li and I discussed the situation, and she told me after some reflection, “When I was in China, I was tortured in a forced labor camp and badly injured. I recovered quickly after they let me go home. It was my son's decision this time to send me to the hospital.”

As soon as her son arrived at the hospital and saw me and other practitioners, he yelled, “Leave my mother alone!”

We saw what was happening, and started sending righteous thoughts.

I asked him if he would be happy if his mother forced him to do something. He didn't understand my point at first. I clarified, “Why did you force your mother into doing something she didn't want to do? When I was paralyzed, I stood up in seven days without any medicine because I practiced Falun Dafa. It might be better for you to consider her point of view, and respect her wishes. I fully understand that your actions were driven by filial piety and the desire for what's best for your mother, but it might be appropriate for you to consider another way to help her.”

He asked me how. I told him, “It would help her if you could say a phrase and really mean it.” He asked “What? Falun Dafa is good?!” I said, “Yes, say it a couple more times.” He did.

His niece came in and said, “Grandma has a comminuted fracture in her arm, and it needs to be amputated.” He turned around and asked me, “Now what?” I said, “Listen to your mother.” He told his niece, “Let's follow your grandma's wishes.”

Ms. Li left the hospital an hour later with a plaster cast. She quickly took it off the minute she got home.

She returned to the hospital a month later for a check-up. A doctor examined her arm and said, “Your bones seem to have grown back together.” After Ms. Li told the doctor her story and about her practicing Falun Dafa, the surprised doctor said, “Wow, Falun Dafa is amazing!”