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Zhenjiang Police Arrest Twelve Residents, Sending One to Prison and Keeping Eight in a Detention Center

Oct. 18, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangsu Province

(Minghui.org) Zhenjiang police arrested and ransacked the homes of twelve Falun Gong practitioners around June 22, and sent all of them to Dingmao Detention Center. They later released three of the practitioners, but kept the rest captive.

Ms. Wang Chunfang, around 70, was soon sentenced and transferred to Nanjing Women's Prison. She had been arrested multiple times in the past for exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Her most recent imprisonment left her uremia-stricken husband home alone. He needs dialysis every day and around-the-clock care, and is in precarious physical condition.

Mr. Zhang Xinping and his wife Zhu Jianmei, both 52, face a similar plight. They were both sentenced to forced labor in the past for appealing to the State Appeal's Office on behalf of Falun Gong. Ms. Zhu was injected with unknown drugs for extended periods of time and became mentally disoriented as a result. She now relies on her husband to take care of her daily needs. The most recent arrest of Mr. Zhang left her and his elderly mother with no caregiver.

Ms. Zhang Ruihua, in her 40s, is originally from Hebei Province. While working as a technical school teacher in Yangzhou City, she became a target for the police after writing letters to her colleagues talking about Falun Gong. To avoid arrest, she moved to Zhenjiang in 2008.

When the police barged into her rental house this June, they took away two computers, three printers, and thousands of Yuan in cash. She was forced to go through a comprehensive examination after she refused to disclose her real name. It is suspected that the police intended to use her for live organ harvesting.

In addition to the above-mentioned practitioners, the following six Zhenjiang residents also remain incarcerated: Zhu Fengying (age 70), He Luping (age 70), Chen Xiuping (age 52), Zhang Yan (in her 50s), Yu Yunxian (age 69), and Ye Ruibao (age 65).

Ms. Wu Xiaoxia and Ms. Jiang Weiping were released on July 25, and Ms. Wang Zhendi was set free on July 28.