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A Conversation with a Policeman

Oct. 18, 2014



From the sound of the voice, the volunteer could tell that it belonged to a young man – a young man who, the volunteer hoped, will have quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after this phone call.

“Hello, sir,” began the volunteer, “I'm glad to have dialed your number, and I'd very much like to talk to you about an important issue.”

“Have you heard about quitting the CCP and its related organizations? One hundred eighty million and counting have quit for their own safety, and I sincerely hope you could become one of them.”

“Once upon a time, we all swore ourselves to the CCP and vowed to protect it with every ounce of our flesh. But how could it possibly be right to protect something that's stolen so many innocent lives? Such a brutal institution absolutely does not deserve to own our lives, and we definitely don't deserve the horrible fate that will inevitably befall it.”

“The only way to avoid implication with the CCP is to quit, and I can help you do that right now. Are you a CCP member?”

“Yes, I am,” replied the young man, who had been listening silently all this time.

The volunteer said, “Let me give you an alias – Gao Xiang – with which you can quit the Party and erase the vow from your heart. What do you say?”

“OK,” said the man.

“Alright then, thank you,” said the volunteer. “And please remember that Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good. Please don't believe the CCP's lies.”

But the man suddenly spoke up again.

“Do you know who I am?” he asked. “I am a police officer. And I've recorded all of what you just said on tape.”

“Where do you live?” he continued.

“I don't want to tell you because I know what you are going to do,” answered the volunteer, “I don't want you to do bad things and end up hurting yourself.”

“Falun Gong has been persecuted for 15 years now, and so many practitioners have been arrested, detained, and tortured. Some of them even had their organs harvested and sold against their will.”

“At the same time, countless people have been subjected to the CCP's lies and propaganda. As a result, they hold an unreasonable hatred toward innocent Falun Gong practitioners and participate in the persecution, either directly or indirectly.”

“Just think of how many sins these people have committed, and how much karma they've accrued – all because of lies!”

The man was quiet for a moment, and then had a few more questions for the volunteer:

“Why Did So Many Falun Gong Practitioners Self-Immolate at Tiananmen Square?”

“The self-immolation case is a fabrication, as confirmed by Humanitarian Law Project. It was contrived by the CCP to persecute Falun Gong and an act of state-sponsored terrorism.”

“Li Dongsheng, one of the former leaders of the 610 Office, was the former deputy head of the Chinese Central TV (CCTV) station. He's now been arrested and detained, but back then, he was the one in charge of fabricating the case.”

“The people lighting themselves on fire were paid actors and not Falun Gong practitioners at all. They did light themselves on fire in Tiananmen Square, but the fire was put out after only a minute and half. The process was taped and broadcast to the public in order to instigate hatred toward Falun Gong and make up an excuse for the persecution.”

“As a police officer, you should know that no policeman would be on patrol in Tiananmen Square carrying an extinguisher and fire blanket all the time – yet in the video, the policemen produced these items almost instantly. Also, even if the policemen did have extinguishers and blankets on hand, why did they wait and let the fire burn for ninety seconds on a living person?”

“By the same token, what are the odds that CCTV reporters would happen to be at Tiananmen Square at just the right time with their full camera crew, that they would perfectly capture the ninety seconds before the fire was put out? Why were several cameras focused on the scene simultaneously from different angles? It's an obvious mark of coordinated, pre-planned staging.”

“There are so many flaws in the self-immolation case itself. Wang Jindong, for instance, had lit himself on fire with a plastic bottle filled with gasoline in his lap. Miraculously, the bottle remained intact throughout the whole burning process, not even disfiguring a bit.”

“He was also sitting calmly on the ground while the policemen stood over him with a fire blanket. And the police waited for him to finish yelling his slogans before smothering him with the blanket.”

“What is more outrageous is that the 12-year-old girl in the video, Liu Siying, was interviewed while she was hospitalized after undergoing trachea surgery. She not only spoke coherently, but could also sing to the reporter.”

“For the past six decades, the CCP has been using all kinds of smear campaigns and libelous propaganda to provoke people into fighting each other; in the end, no matter which side the people were on, the people always lost while the Party prevailed.”

“But this time it is different. Falun Gong practitioners have been actively fighting against the CCP's lies by telling people the truth: that they have no reason to hate Falun Dafa, and that 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good.'”

“What Is Your Level in Cultivation? Do You Still Need to Eat and Drink?”

“I'm just like you. I have a job and a family. I need to eat and drink. The only difference is that I follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance to the best of my ability in everyday life. And I use these principles to better myself as a person.”

“As practitioners, we strive to be the best we can be in all areas of life, including family and society. We're comprised of people from many occupations, including workers, farmers, students, teachers, doctors, and lawyers. We range from everyday people to high-ranking government officials.”

“There are currently over a hundred million of us worldwide – striving to be our very best morally and otherwise. Think of the benefits that society reaps from this!”

“However, Jiang Zemin was jealous of the popularity of Falun Gong. He feared losing his power and control over the people, both of which were obtained through detestable means. Thus, he launched this violent and costly persecution against all reason and the opinions of most his advisers in the CCP.”

“The CCP is like a demon that is tightly controlling the minds of Chinese people, and most of them are still unaware. It's almost like getting possessed by a spirit; the people operate mindlessly and do whatever Party doctrine tells them to.”

“But the divine beings are merciful and care only about people's hearts. Righteous thoughts can grant absolution and release people from the evil's control.”

“This Is My Job and How I Make a Living, So I Have to Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners.”

“But Falun Gong never harmed you in any way, and our practitioners don't harm others in society. Aren't the police supposed to only arrest bad people who actively harm others?”

“Also, it's not a matter of losing your job, but also your life. Look at Zhou Yongkang, Bo Xilai, Li Dongsheng, and Wang Lijun – they all have higher ranks than you. Yet, they've all been arrested.”

“It's not because they are corrupt; you and I both know that. If they were truly out to get all the corrupt CCP officials, they might as well just disband the Party since practically nobody would be left.”

“Zhou, Bo, Li, and Wang directly participated in the persecution of Falun Gong and the organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. Such evil acts have not been seen on this planet ever before and are sacrilegious – not just to religion, but to all of humanity.”

“Now, Jiang Zemin and over sixty other high-ranking officials in the CCP have been sued in over thirty countries on the charges of genocide, torture, and crimes against humanity – the same crimes committed before by Hitler.”

“Laws in the human society are bringing them to justice, while heavenly laws inevitably will as well. I'm telling you all this in the hopes that you won't follow these evil people on their path to a living hell and beyond. It's not too late.”

“All these people who partook in this evil will pay; just look at what happened to the policemen who persecuted the government officials in the Cultural Revolution. They too were following orders – and yet, when the senior officials were vindicated, these policemen were taken to Yunnan Province and secretly executed by firing squads.”

“Today we had the opportunity to talk on the phone. It may seem ordinary, but I'd like to believe that everything happens for a reason, and that this isn't just a phone call. Who knows – I might be repaying a favor from a past life by telling you how to stay out of trouble.”

“You know the saying: 'Higher levels make the policies while the lower levels have their counter-policies.' You have the power. You can change things.”

“Treat Falun Gong practitioners kindly and protect them; in that situation, you're one of the only people that can help. Protecting Falun Gong practitioners is protecting yourself – you'll see.”

The police officer paused for a while.

He finally said, “OK, I understand now. I won't be involved in the persecution anymore.”

After the phone call, the volunteer could not help but think, “He was a product of Party doctrine through and through – such a nice young man, deprived of his own thinking at such a young age. It breaks my heart.”

“Almost everyone in mainland China today knows that the CCP is bad, but when the CCP feeds them lies, they still – as if by reflex – believe them.”

“It's almost as if their minds are controlled by Satan himself, and that he's mercilessly dragging them all to Hell. People should seize this fleeting chance of salvation, because once lost – this chance won't be coming back again.