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San Francisco: Chinese Locals and Tourists Renounce Communist Party Membership

Oct. 20, 2014 |   By Minghui correspondents Mu Wenqing, Shu Jing, and Xiao Yan

(Minghui.org) The recent Falun Gong events in San Francisco provided a unique opportunity for Chinese locals and tourists to learn more about Falun Gong and choose to renounce their membership in the Chinese Communist Party and its affiliated organizations.

From October 15 to 17, Falun Gong practitioners were seen at many tourist sites in San Francisco, a city with a large Chinese population. The three marches in downtown/Chinatown, the civic center, and on the Golden Gate Bridge during three days of activities also caught the attention of many Chinese people.

Falun Gong practitioners march across the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco on October 17.

Two women visiting from China initially refused to take a Falun Gong flyer that a practitioner handed to them near the Golden Gate Bridge. The practitioner didn't give up: “That's OK. I wish you safety and happiness. Do you know you will need to do one thing if you would like to have a truly safe and happy future?

“There is a grassroots movement taking place in China: People are denouncing their membership in the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations. They are disassociating themselves from the CCP because they see through its lies and know that its time to incur karmic retribution for its crimes is near. People don't want to go down with it,” she continued.

The two tourists readily agreed to renounce their communist organization memberships when the practitioner offered them two nice aliases: Li Mei (Beautiful) and Ya Jun (Elegant). They thanked the practitioner sincerely, “We hope you stay safe, too.”

Hong Kong immigrant Mr. Lam watched the October 15 march in downtown San Francisco for a long time. Mr. Lam, who once worked in Shanghai, remarked, “The CCP has ruled China for decades and has done nothing but harm people. They are thugs who specialize in hurting others and idiots when it comes to managing a country. The banner says it right, 'Heaven blesses China; Heaven disintegrates the CCP.'”

Other Chinese Americans exercised caution in Chinatown, a neighborhood tightly controlled and monitored by the CCP consulate, but found a way not to miss the opportunity to dissociate from the CCP.

A Chinese woman who owns a business there wouldn't directly look at Ms. Dong, a practitioner, when approached. Yet she never took her eyes off the Falun Gong march in Chinatown during their conversation.

When asked whether she knew that over 180 million Chinese have denounced their CCP memberships, she nodded repeatedly, “I know. I know.” Ms. Dong offered, “Would you like to do the same with the alias of Fu An (Happiness and Safety)?”

The woman kept her face towards the procession, never turning to look at Ms. Dong, but said, “Very good. I have remembered my alias: Fu An. It's great!”

Falun Gong photo exhibit at Portsmouth Square Park in San Francisco’s Chinatown

Practitioners didn't miss an opportunity to clarify the truth even when taking a break to eat. A young woman who shared a table with them in a restaurant hadn't had the time to learn about the persecution due to her busy work schedule and taking care of her young child.

When the practitioners told her about Falun Gong, why the CCP persecutes Falun Gong, and about the movement to quit the CCP, she used her real name to quit the Communist Youth League, the only communist organization she'd ever joined.

Ms. Wang from Boston helped 13 Chinese people denounce their communist organization memberships in just an hour at Portsmouth Square Park in Chinatown. Six of them were CCP officials on a business trip. Ms. Wang asked them if they had heard about quitting the CCP. They said that they had heard of it but hadn't quit yet. Ms. Wang helped all six officials disassociate themselves from the CCP.

According to local practitioners, the environment in Chinatown has changed a great deal. Once misunderstood due to the CCP's negative propaganda, Falun Gong practitioners have become part of the daily Chinatown scene. If for any reason, practitioners don't show up there one day, the Chinese Americans there ask them the next day, “How come didn't you come yesterday?”

A local woman recently made the decision to quit the CCP after considering the option for several days. When she returned to Portsmouth Square Park to inform practitioners of her decision, she insisted on giving the practitioner an apple as her way of saying thanks.

Related Chinese articles:http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2014/10/19/法轮功跨金门大桥游行-游客明真相-299155.html