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Western Doctor Testifies that “Falun Dafa is Good”

Oct. 24, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) I've been a Western medical doctor for 27 years, and I've practiced Falun Dafa for 19 years. From my personal experience, I know that Falun Dafa is truly good, and exceeds the bounds of modern science.

Because of My Illnesses I Wished to Help Others

When I was a small child I suffered from poor health and visited doctors frequently. I've had meningitis, hepatitis, and tuberculosis. Just before I was scheduled to take my college entrance examination, I developed an anorectal abscess and was forced to undergo surgery. However the wound refused to heal and developed into an anal fistula. Because of my condition, I was in constant, excruciating pain and had an unpleasant body odor.

At that time qigong was very popular in China. Hoping to cure my illnesses I started learning some practices on my own, but they were all ineffective. Because of what I had gone through, I had great empathy for other peoples' suffering and decided to attend a university and study to become an excellent doctor.

I managed to get into a university and went through the five-year medical course. I continued practicing qigong and also studied traditional Chinese medicine. In order to treat patients effectively I wanted to combine these three practices (qigong, Western and Chinese medicine). After I graduated, I took a position at the university and this allowed me to lecture students, treat patients, and conduct research at the same time.

As my scope of knowledge expanded, so did my questions regarding the unknown. The library became a precious resource, and I studied countless books, searching for answers in vain. When I realized that modern science could not provide any satisfactory answers, I turned to qigong and began to study it seriously, even though I had no real breakthroughs.

I Began Practicing Falun Dafa and Recovered from My Illness

One morning in March 1995, I got up early and was heading out to the qigong practice site when I heard a beautiful melody. Attracted by the music, I followed it and discovered it was the Falun Dafa exercise music. This is how I found Falun Dafa and began practicing. As I diligently studied the Fa and practiced the exercises, to my immense surprise my body began to rapidly heal.

Before, I had absolute faith in my medical knowledge, and knew that many conditions had to be met for Chinese and Western medicine to be effective. Yet after simply reading Zhuan Falun and practicing the five sets of exercises, my illnesses were cured. I was amazed! I realized that my many years of teaching, treating and research could not compare to Falun Dafa in terms of efficient healing and speed! I decided to research Falun Dafa.

What Causes Illnesses

Through systematic Fa study I realized to my surprise, that Falun Dafa answered many questions I developed over time. I understood much after reading Zhuan Falun once, but would have new questions. As I continued studying the Fa one set of questions would be answered, but another set of questions surfaced. The more I studied, the more I understood, and my mind kept expanding. Throughly convinced by the profound teachings of Falun Dafa, my respect for Master greatly increased and I understood that this was the practice I wanted.

I studied the Fa in greater detail, and I realized the real reason behind people's illnesses is caused by karma accumulated by doing bad deeds throughout one's past lifetimes. This "karmic debt" cannot be resolved within “one lifetime,” and neither can it be understood within this “dimension” of ours. By accepting the possibility of "reincarnation" and “alternate dimensions” of existence, it was easier to understand the answers to my questions: "Why are some people born sick?" "Why is it doctors cannot determine the root cause of some peculiar diseases?" "Why do hereditary diseases exist?" "What causes a disease to relapse?" "Why is it so difficult to cure certain illnesses?" And so on.

For example, hepatitis at the molecular level expresses itself in the form of a "virus." In an alternate dimension though, it will appear as "negative energy." In yet another deeper dimension, it appears as a "cluster of negative karma." Deeper still, it will be seen in the form of a "dark entity." Modern medicine treats hepatitis by killing the “virus” at the molecular level, but is ineffective in eliminating the "negative energy," "karma cluster" and "dark entity," which exist in other dimensions and are the root cause of illness. This results in a poor outcome for hepatitis treatment.

I observed how Falun Dafa practitioners are cured of their illnesses. The energy generated as one practices Falun Dafa can reach those other dimensions where the root cause of one's illness is, and eliminate it. When a person does the Falun Dafa exercises and studies the teachings, the energy can reach even the most microscopic dimension and eliminate the "dark entity," "karma cluster," "negative energy" in those other dimensions that we can't see in this dimension. Even the "virus" at the surface level is completely removed. Of course, this will result in the complete cure of one's hepatitis.

Cultivating One's Character

Of course there are prerequisites to achieving this. Falun Dafa practitioners must follow the character requirements, be able to search inwards, cultivate their minds and eliminate all bad habits and thoughts in order to achieve a complete healing of their illnesses. If a person only does the exercises but doesn't cultivate himself, and doesn't try to differentiate between doing right or wrong in his thoughts and actions, he will not be cured.

I kept studying the Fa and cultivating myself, and I came to understand why we are here in this human world. It's to obtain Falun Dafa, assimilate to the requirements of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and return to our original, highest position. I gave up the idea of "using qigong to heal illnesses," and the idea of "conducting research on Falun Dafa." I became very serious about practicing and started cultivating myself in strict accordance with the requirements of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

As a lecturer, I treat my students kindly, share my knowledge and teach them to be good people to the best of my ability. As a doctor at a hospital, I treat patients with kindness and do my best to cure illnesses and save lives. As a researcher, I make sure to conduct my scientific research with diligence and responsibility. I'm able to remain unmoved when faced with the temptations of money or beautiful women, and can calmly deal with conflicts that arise.

Once, a female patient came with her boyfriend. The girl was warm and gregarious, while the boy silently observed me as I conducted my examination. I carefully checked her, and conducted myself strictly within the bounds of propriety. Later, the young man told me, “Of all the many doctors I've encountered so far, you are the best. Your attitude, manners and attention to detail are all good.” I told them that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner and was only following the teachings of my Master. When I clarified the truth they both quickly understood and accepted it.

These days, doctors in China are routinely bribed. The patient or the patient's family will present the doctor in charge with a "red envelope," hoping that he will pay greater attention to diagnosing and treating the illness. One patient handed me a "red envelope." When I refused to accept it, she thought I felt the bribe was too small. She listened quietly while I explained the reason behind my refusal and talked to her about Falun Dafa. Afterwards she said, “It would be wonderful if all doctors studied Falun Dafa like you, as it is really good. Your Master is really great to have nurtured such a good doctor."

“Falun Dafa is Good!”

I encounter similar cases almost every day. With Master's help many students, teachers, relatives and friends, patients and their families have seen how wonderful and upright Falun Dafa is through my words and actions. Having understood the truth, they have chosen for themselves a better future. Some have even obtained the Fa and become practitioners.

Falun Dafa's profound principles have completely convinced and changed me. I have a deeper understanding of the true origins of humans, the connection between man and gods, and the true reason for living a human life. I deeply believe that "Falun Dafa is good!"