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Sydney: Collecting Signatures Condemning Forced Organ Harvesting at Local Festival (Photos)

Oct. 30, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent

(Minghui.org) On October 17 and 24, two Fridays in a row, Falun Gong practitioners in Sydney set up a booth and photo display at the Asian Cuisine Festival in Hyde Park. The exhibit exposed to the public the persecution of Falun Gong in China, especially forced organ harvesting from living practitioners.

In two days, the practitioners collected almost 2000 signatures condemning the atrocities carried out by the Chinese Communist regime.

People from all walks of life in Sydney sign the petition condemning the persecution of Falun Gong.

Practitioners have held similar events nearby, so many office workers already knew of the persecution. At the festival, many people proactively came to sign the petition upon seeing the practitioners' banners and display boards.

Ms. Bai, a local practitioner, said that the Asian Cuisine Festival is one the largest community events in Australia. Because only the best restaurants are able to attend, the festival attracts a lot of tourists.

“We want to take this opportunity to let more people know about the persecution and encourage them to help stop it,” Ms. Bai said.

Marea, a local resident, passed by the photo displays with two of her friends. She told them that she had seen similar photos when she traveled to other countries. Although she had already heard about the organ harvesting in China, she was still shocked by the crimes' details.

“It's really horrible. I thought it was the behavior of individuals, but now I realize it's a state-sanctioned crime. It's so bad,” Marea said. Her friends agreed, and all three signed the petition.

Jane, a Vietnamese-Austrian, told practitioners that she is well aware of the Communist Party's brutality. “They persecuted the Vietnamese too,” she said, “I fully support your peaceful resistance.” She signed the petition and took blank signature sheets for her co-workers and friends to sign.