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Authorities Refuse to Release Falun Gong Practitioner Despite Three Failed Trial Attempts

Nov. 24, 2014

(Minghui.org) Ms. Kong Hongyun has been unlawfully arrested five times and jailed for three years for her belief in Falun Gong. She suffered brutal torture including beatings, being shocked with electric batons, violent force-feedings, and administration of harmful drugs.

Since her most recent arrest on January 4, 2014, Ms Kong has seen her trial postponed three times due to lack of evidence. These “trials” were held in the gym of the detention center instead of a courtroom.

Ms. Kong's defense attorney requested that the case be dismissed and Ms. Kong be immediately released. He stated that there is no legal basis for the charges against her, no credible evidence that she has done any harm to others or society and the Xinshi District Procuratorate continues to fail to provide sufficient evidence.

To date, the lawyer has heard no response and Ms. Kong is still illegally detained.

Ms. Kong and her family members plan to file complaints to relevant departments against the Procuratorate and the police for their criminal conduct.

As lawyers like Ms. Kong's defense attorney hold the prosecution to legal standards, the authorities are having an increasingly difficult time using the courts to persecute Falun Gong.

A Popular and Sought-after Medical Professional

Ms. Kong Hongyun, 43, from Baoding, Hebei Province, used to work as a medical professional at Xiantai Town Hospital, and later started her own clinic. Since she started practicing Falun Gong in 2006, she has done her best to follow the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in her daily life and work.

She made sure that all medications used in her clinic were genuine products. When she came across patients who had financial difficulties, she would provide medication for free or at a discount. She treated every patient with care and often visited the patients on a voluntary basis. Her kindness made her very popular in the local area and her clinic was filled with patients every day.

Though a working, single mother, Ms. Kong managed to stay involved in her young daughter's education, encouraging her to learn music and painting in addition to academics, and guiding her with the principles of Falun Gong.

Illegal Arrest and Imprisonment

Their life was turned upside down in March 2008. Ms. Kong was illegally arrested at her clinic and sentenced to three years in prison for practicing Falun Gong.

The landlord who rented his house to Ms. Kong for her clinic canceled the rental agreement under pressure from officers from the Yimian Police Station. Her family had to quickly sell all the medical equipment and products at very low prices, causing her enormous financial loss.

Force-fed Unknown Drugs

Torture reenactment: Hands cuffed behind the back

Ms. Kong was subjected to all kinds of torture in the detention center. She was often beaten, and her arms were handcuffed behind her back for long periods of time. When she went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention, she was cruelly force-fed with “food” and unknown harmful drugs, which seriously impaired her memory.

When her lawyer visited her and asked her about her first trial, she could not remember what happened and had to be reminded many times before she could recall some bits and pieces.

Forced Out of Employment

In July 2012, Ms. Kong's former employer, Xiantai Town Hospital, was restructured and more than a dozen employees were eligible for the status of public servant and to be assigned to new jobs. Ms. Kong was one of the eligible employees. However, due to pressure and threats from the 610 Office in Baoding, the relevant authorities refused to arrange any job for her, saying, “If you transform (renounce Falun Gong), we will accept your application and give you a job. If not, you won't have a chance.” When Ms. Kong tried to reason with the hospital, she was turned away and forced out by personnel from the 610 Office.

In order to support herself and her daughter, Ms. Kong started selling pancakes at the morning market. However, the police instigated the urban management personnel to take away her pancake cart and cooking equipment. She asked them several times to return the equipment, but they refused. Ms. Kong then tried to make a living cleaning houses and selling toilet paper in residential areas.

Forced Out of Her Home

The police often harassed Ms. Kong in her rented place and ordered the landlord to force her out. Ms. Kong explained the facts of the persecution to the landlord, who was sympathetic.

On November 3. 2012, several police officers came to her place. They dragged Ms. Kong out and changed the door lock. They also stole the key to her electric bike. It was raining and Ms. Kong stood outside the police station for hours trying to get back the key to the electric bike. She was cold and hungry, and soaked.

The police harassed Ms. Kong's landlord numerous times. Out of consideration for the landlord, Ms. Kong finally moved out.

Electric Shock Torture

Torture reenactment: electric shock

In December 15, 2013, Ms. Kong was illegally arrested for the fourth time at a market in Yi County. She was beaten and shocked with electric batons at Tanghu Police Station. Huang Jianliang, head of the police station, shocked her face, mouth and underarms. Her face turned black and purple. While being tortured, Ms. Kong spoke to the perpetrators, compassionately trying to help them understand the truth about Falun Gong. She was later transferred to the Yi County Detention Center, where she suffered another round of brutal beatings. Ms. Kong then went on a hunger strike. Her family members also demanded her release, and she was released seven days later.

Relentlessly Persecuted

Ms. Kong's most recent arrest took place on January 4, 2014. Even though three unlawful trials held by Xinshi District Court have failed to proceed due to lack of evidence, Ms. Kong is still incarcerated and suffering abuse.

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Kong:

Xinshi Police StationYao Minfeng (姚敏峰), head of the station: +86-13803125188Ling Yingkui (凌英魁), former head: +86-312-3110119, +86-13932281666Lu Wusuo (卢五锁), head of Domestic Security Division in Xinshi: +86- 13333122522

Xinshi District ProcuratorateNie Weijin (聂卫新), chief prosecutor: +86-312-3107601Gao Fuyou (高福有), deputy chief prosecutor: +86-312- 3107603Wei Zhifang (魏志芳), deputy chief prosecutor: +86-312-3107602121866

Xinshi District Court:Chen Liming (陈力明), head of court, Wang Kejian (王克俭), former head: +86-312- 3013660, +86-312-3321088, +86-13700322466, +86-312-5024188 (Home)Zhang Jiyong (张继勇), deputy head: +86-13513326826(in charge of criminal cases)