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Western Australia: Signature Drive Rallies Support to End Forced Organ Harvesting in China (Photos)

Nov. 24, 2014 |   By Minghui correspondent Mu Wenqing

(Minghui.org) Visitors to the Perth City Centre this past weekend encountered an information booth with a startling message: the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is stealing organs from living prisoners of conscience in China, the majority of whom are Falun Gong practitioners. Many people joined the signature drive to call for an end to this crime against humanity.

George Barbosa, a coach of the Brazilian martial arts/dance form Capoeira, was staging a performance with his group across the street from the Falun Gong practitioners' booth on November 22. Upon learning about the state-sanctioned organ harvesting, part of the CCP's nationwide persecution of Falun Gong in China, Mr. Barbosa signed the petition calling for an end to the crime.

He then collected signatures from all of the dancers in his group and returned the petition form to practitioners, “Thank you for telling us about this. We are with you. The world needs love, compassion, and freedom.”

Edval Santos, originally from Melbourne, coaches the Capoeira group with Mr. Barbosa. He had heard of Falun Gong before and echoed his colleague's statement, adding, “Also truth, truth is more important. Your principals 'truth, compassion, tolerance,' that's it. We're with you. We will spread it [information about organ harvesting]. ”

“We understand the beautiful work that you're doing. People don't have a conscience. In many cases, few people are happy and many are unhappy because they don't have a conscience. But all the time, we have active people like you to talk about the mind. There should be peace, there should be happiness, and, from that, we can make a better world. Happiness from inside,” said Mr. Barbosa. He gave the practitioners his mobile phone number and asked them to stay in touch with him.

Edval Santos (left) and George Barbosa (right), who coach a Capoeira group, have their picture taken with a Falun Gong practitioner.

All of the dancers in the Capoeira group signed the petition to call for an end to the state-sanctioned organ harvesting in China.

The Vervuurt family learn about the persecution in China.

Deidre Vervuurt had heard of the forced organ harvesting in China, but didn't know that Falun Gong practitioners were the main target.

“I knew that it existed, but I didn't realize to what scale they did it. I don't understand why they target these people [Falun Gong practitioners]. It's horrible. It's horrible,” he said, adding that he would speak up and help more people know about it. He believes that change is possible only when the general public becomes aware of the crime. His family, including wife Edwina and son Connor, also signed the petition to show their support.

Prior to the weekend encounter, Richard Pavledis had not heard about the organ harvesting crimes in China. He found it beyond his imagination. “This should have never happened,” he said. “Any such crime should be exposed and stopped immediately.”

Mr. Pavledis believes that the first thing to stop the illegal organ harvesting is to expose the crime, and that no one should just stand by and watch. “We are not commodities. We are human beings,” he emphasized. “The public need to be aware of the existence of organ tourism. They need to be aware of what you're doing... People shouldn't support an industry like that; no one should. Especially the doctors, they shouldn't be backing that sort of industry.”

He encouraged the Falun Gong practitioners to continue their efforts to raise awareness about the issue until the crime is completely ended.

Ruth Hunter is waiting for a lung transplant. Upon learning about the organ harvesting situation in China, she said, “I would not go buy an organ in China. I cannot extend my life by killing another.”

A group of high school students signed the petition to condemn forced organ harvesting in China

Young people engage in an exchange with a practitioner to learn about the organ harvesting crimes.

A passerby signs the petition to lend her support.

A gentleman speaks to a practitioner to learn more about the CCP's organ harvesting and the persecution of Falun Gong.