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Three Shenzhen Women Unlawfully Detained and Denied Family Visits

Nov. 24, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Guangdong Province, China

(Minghui.org) Three women from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province have been illegally detained for more than two months for practicing Falun Gong, though no charges have been filed against them. The local authorities have not allowed their families to visit them, so their current situation is unknown.

The three practitioners are Ms. Yang Chunhong (杨春红), 32, from Beijing; Ms. Wang Haiyan (王海燕), 30, from Guilin, Guangxi Province; and Ms. Gong Fang (龚芳), 24, from Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.

On July 27, 2014, officers from Longxin Police Station arrested Ms. Yang for handing out fliers with information about the persecution of Falun Gong to passersby in the Longgang District. She was detained in the 15th ward of Huanggekeng Detention Center in Longgang. Her case was transferred to the Longgang Procuratorate on October 10, more than two months after she was detained.

On August 30, 2014, an unknown person reported Ms. Wang and Ms. Gong to the police while they were giving out Falun Dafa fliers in Longgang. Ms. Wang and Ms. Gong were detained in the 14th and 13th ward of Huanggekeng Detention Center, respectively. The police submitted their cases to the Longgang Procuratorate, which dismissed them. The police are preparing further charges.

Ms. Wang worked at an electronics factory for the Belton Technology Group in Bantian, Shenzhen. The day after her arrest, without her consent, the police searched her workplace and her home and confiscated personal belongings, including her computers and Falun Dafa materials.

Ms. Gong worked at Yihe Mall, a shopping center owned by Shenzhen Media Group. After her arrest, her employer broke into her room and found Falun Dafa books. To avoid potential trouble, her employer reported her to the Domestic Security Division.

The next day, two officers from Bantian Police Station forged documents, broke into Ms. Gong's room, and confiscated her Falun Dafa materials and her computer.

Perpetrators' Contact Information

Jiang Wenqiu (江文秋), presiding judge, Longgang District Court in ShenzhenZhang Yun (张昀), prosecutor, Longgang District Procuratorate in Shenzhen: +86-13923744513 (Cell)Zou Xianghe (邹湘河), deputy chief of Longgang District 610 Office