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Three Fortunate Seniors

Nov. 24, 2014 |   By Zhao Xia, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) My parents and mother-in-law are in their late 70s and 80s. They practice Falun Dafa and are very healthy and happy. People often comment on their youthful appearance.

My Mother Found Good Health and Courage

My mother is now 76. She had a difficult life, and it showed on her face: she looked tired and unhappy all the time.

She started to practice Falun Dafa in the autumn of 1996 and became free of her chronic ailments, including headaches, bronchitis, anemia, and even poor eyesight. She looked and felt reborn. She also became open-minded and kind, which won her more respect from others. It was obvious that she enjoyed each day.

In addition to good physical and mental health, Falun Dafa also gave her wisdom: she used to be illiterate but can now easily read Dafa books. We were amazed at the changes in her and support her practice of Falun Dafa.

My mother used to be timid and shy. After practicing Falun Dafa, she became more outgoing and even courageous. Several times when I was arrested for practicing Dafa, she would go with other family members to wherever I was being held and demand my immediate release. She had no fear at all, whether it was the police department, 610 Office, or a brainwashing center.

When others in the family felt fear under the persecution, she encouraged them. She would tell them that they should not be afraid, that Falun Dafa teaches people to be good, and that practitioners do not violate the law. Because of her and the rest of my family, I was always released quickly.

After practicing Falun Dafa for 17 years, my mother remains healthy and without the need for medication. Nearly 80, she doesn't look a day over 60. My mother is grateful to Master Li Hongzhi (the founder of Falun Dafa) for giving her a new life. She often reminds us that her life is good and she is happy because of Falun Dafa. We cannot forget Master's saving grace. We must cultivate diligently and follow Master to the completion of our cultivation.

My Father's Faith Rekindled

My father is 81. He used to suffer from heart disease, cerebral arteriosclerosis and bronchitis and was on medication all the time. After retiring, he spent time in the hospital every year.

He started to practice Falun Dafa with my mother. He didn't really believe in the existence of gods and Buddhas, having been indoctrinated by atheist ideology of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). He regarded Falun Dafa as just an ordinary qigong practice improving health. Master took care of him regardless: his illnesses disappeared a short time after he started practicing Dafa.

After the CCP launched its persecution of Falun Dafa in July 1999, my father gave up practicing. He had a deep fear of the CCP, because he had lived through different political campaigns and was haunted by his knowledge of the cruelty the CCP was capable of carrying out. I was arrested several times for my belief in Falun Dafa, which only increased his fear. He worried about me often and was miserable.

My sister-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and told she had only six months. We were all saddened, but my mother believed that she would be all right because she had helped us when we were arrested for practicing Falun Dafa. I told my family that as long as we believed in Falun Dafa, her health would improve.

My father was skeptical. He told my mother that he would resume his practicing Dafa if his daughter-in-law recovered. I told my sister-in-law to repeat, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” I knelt down in front of Master's photo and asked Master to save her life.

Her miraculous, quick recovery amazed her doctors and nurses. Our entire family were very thankful to Master for his saving grace. My father was greatly touched and started to practice again seriously. Master opened up his wisdom, and his memory improved, especially when reading.

When my father went through several major tests with sickness karma, our non-practitioner family members urged him to go to the doctor, but he refused. He told us that since he was now a true practitioner, Master was purifying his body, and that he would be fine. He believed in Master and Dafa firmly.

He passed each test, and his body changed for the better. He looked much younger than his 80 years, and one could often see him out riding his bicycle. His friends and former colleagues said they admired him.

After he started practicing Falun Dafa, he was able to do everything by himself and rarely asked for help from anyone. He also looked after others.

One day, he was hit by a car while on his bicycle. The driver wanted to take him to the hospital, but my father calmly told the driver that he would be fine. He also said he would be able to get home by himself and there was no need for the driver to stay. The driver, still concerned, waited until he could no longer see my father before he drove away. Within a few days, my father completely recovered.

Two years ago, during Chinese New Year, he found 600 yuan in the stairway of his building. He posted a notice at the entrance and found the owner, who was very thankful to him for returning his money.

My Mother-in-Law Defeated Tumor

My mother-in-law is 87. She was always strong and healthy and was rarely ill before the age of 83. She had a heart attack and fluid in the lungs at the age of 84. The hospital eventually refused her to keep her, and we had to prepare for her funeral.

One day, she had difficulty breathing and could not even drink water. We were worried and didn't know what to do to help her. She told us that a spirit possessed her, blocked her throat, and would not allow her to drink, eat, or even breathe. It wanted to take her life. We were surprised to hear that. My practitioner family members agreed that something bad was attacking her and we had to clear it away.

We searched her home and found pictures of CCP leaders and a former chairman. They had been there for years. We thought my mother-in-law's sickness was related to these things, so we burned them.

Then we told her, “Now only Master and Dafa can save you. From this day on, please believe in Master and Dafa. Please repeat 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good'. Master will definitely save you, and you will get better and better.”

She didn't argue this time and listened attentively. We had told her about Falun Dafa in the past, but she never accepted it. She was upset whenever we got arrested. Police sirens would make her tremble, and she couldn't sleep at night for fear we would be arrested again. But this time she had changed. She repeated, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

Another miracle occurred–within days she was able to eat, and her health improved. Other villagers witnessed her recovery and voiced their amazement.

A year ago, she developed a tumor. Some suggested she go to the hospital to have it removed. She didn't agree. One day, when she was watching a Shen Yun DVD in a another practitioner's home, she heard a loud noise from her body and knew the tumor was gone. Her skin returned to normal. She acknowledged that gods and Buddhas truly exist.

My mother-in-law now walks with a straight back and has rosy cheeks. She loves to watch Shen Yun DVDs and listen to Master's lectures, and she says she is very fortunate.