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How Much Did Falun Gong Pay Me?

Nov. 24, 2014 |   By Jin Yao from China

(Minghui.org) Sometimes when practitioners tell someone about Falun Gong, the person will say, "I'll believe in Falun Gong if Falun Gong pays me." The first few times I heard this, I thought it was humorous. As time has passed and I understand things better, I no longer find such a response funny. Now I'm worried about these people.

I used to love money, too. When I was a child, my parents were poor and my mother was in poor health, so I envied those who had wealth and power. My husband had some power, and after we married, I used it to satisfy my personal needs.

However, when I had money and power, I developed a strange physical problem: I was in constant pain, but doctors could not tell me what was wrong. I looked everywhere for help. Then I saw a book, Zhuan Falun, at a neighbor's home in the spring of 1996.

When I read Zhuan Falun, I kept thinking, "It's so wonderful! It's so wonderful! Everything Teacher says in the book is wonderful.” As I kept reading, I began to experience amazing physical changes.

I knew this was a book from heaven. It answered all my doubts and questions about life. All my pains vanished, and I hadn't even started to learn the exercises! Later, I realized that Teacher cured my liver condition. As said in the book, the first thing Teacher does for practitioners is to rectify our bodies.

I have practiced Falun Gong for 18 years. I did sometimes go to the hospital, but it was to accompany family members, friends, or neighbors. I keep telling people, "Falun Gong practitioners do exercises every day. The energy from the exercises is more effective than any hospital treatment. Although you are not practicing Falun Gong yet, memorizing 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good' will bring you good fortune and better health." Now all my relatives and friends believe it, and they go to hospitals less and less.

Recently, my mother-in-law was hospitalized after she had a stroke. Other family members and I stayed in the hospital and took turns taking care of her. Whenever I was there, I played a recording of Teacher's lectures for her and told her to recite "Falun Dafa is good" in her heart. In the past, she went to see my parents to try to force me to divorce her son, because the government was persecuting Falun Gong and I refused to stop practicing. This time, she loudly and eagerly recited, "Falun Dafa is good!"

My father-in-law didn't have much hope for his wife's recovery, since it was her second stroke. But she recovered quickly. My father-in-law saw there was hope and wanted me to visit her more often. He called me many times and made sure I would go. In the past, because I refused to give up practicing Falun Gong, whenever I visited their home, he went out to avoid me.

One night, I found a wallet in a hospital restroom. It contained cash, bank cards, and an ID. With the help of a nurse, we tracked down the owner, a young man who was seriously injured in a traffic accident.

His mother was with him in the hospital and had accidentally lost the wallet. She didn't notice it was missing until I brought it to her. She thanked me again and again. I told her I practiced Falun Gong and that my teacher taught me to be honest.

I also told her that a sister of a friend of mine was injured in a traffic accident recently, even more seriously than her son. By reciting "Falun Dafa is good," she recovered fully within two months, and now she is just fine. I told the mother and her family to recite "Falun Dafa is good" for her son. They all nodded.

Five days later, the young man was transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward. When I visited him, I encouraged him. The young man's mother kept smiling.

Falun Dafa has been responsible for countless miracles. Money can buy material things, but it cannot buy life. If someone asks me, "How much did Falun Gong pay you?" I would say, "Falun Gong gave me my life. How much is that worth?"