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Montreal, Canada: Divine Land Marching Band Well Received in Christmas Parade

Nov. 25, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Montreal

(Minghui.org) Montreal, the second-largest city in Canada, held its annual Santa Claus Parade on November 22, 2014. About 300,000 people attended this event. Falun Gong practitioners' Divine Land Marching Band drew a great deal of attention from the parade spectators.

With a history that goes back to 1925, Montreal's Santa Claus Parade is one of the biggest parades in Canada. Among a wide variety of parade participants ranging from fairytale characters to Santa Claus himself, the 150-member band, dressed in stunning blue and white outfits, was the biggest group in the parade.

The Divine Land Marching Band performing in the Montreal Santa Claus Parade on November 22, 2014

“Truly Magnificent and Memorable!”

The family of Isabelle McInnes and Mario Gervais were impressed by the performance. “Bravo! So many musical instruments—I've never seen anything like this before,” said Mario. He said that the band was the best and hoped to see it again in the future.

“Truly Magnificent and Memorable!” exclaimed Isabelle. She remarked that the band had a grand line-up, since most other groups had fewer members than this band. “They [the band members] are from different age groups and from different ethnic groups. But they all look awesome. From head to toe—perfect match!”

The Isabelle McInnes and Mario Gervais family enjoy the parade

Two sisters, Josée and Anne Leclerc, come to the Santa Claus parade every year. “As a loyal fan of this parade, I am so happy to hear 'Jingle Bells' performed by this band. It is unique and wonderful,” Josée commented. She said she felt that the band brought a harmony between Chinese culture and Quebecan tradition.

Josée commented that it was the first time for her to see the Divine Land Marching Band perform and she hoped to see them again, “Everything is great and the costumes are also special.”

Two sisters, Josée Leclerc (left) and Anne Leclerc (right), enjoyed the Divine Land Marching Band very much

Chinese Spectators Impressed by the Performance

Mr. Hu and Ms. Huang, who recently immigrated to Montreal, were taking in the Santa Claus Parade for the first time. “This is a unique experience,” Mr. Hu explained, “Especially this Divine Land Marching Band. It has a grand formation and looks great.”

Mr. Zhang, one of the students watching the event, said that he liked the band as well. “It has lots of band members, but is really well organized.” He said he had previously seen the band in other events, but “This is the first time to see it in a Christmas parade.”

Ms. Lin, a Chinese immigrant who has lived in Montreal for 20 years, agreed with Mr. Zhang. She said she had been to both the Santa Claus Parade and the St. Patrick's Day Parade before, “But I've never seen so many Chinese in a parade.” She said that it made her feel proud to see so many Chinese people in the band.

Mr. Cui, who is visiting from China, was walking along with the Divine Land March Band to shoot some video footage. He said that he was excited to see the performance, “This is first time I've see something like this. Very moving and very beautiful. I also like the energy from the band.”

Next to Mr. Cui was a Chinese gentleman who also walked along as the band was marching. With a thumbs-up, he looked happy and excited, “Falun Dafa is great!” he said.

The Divine Land Marching Band started in 2005 and has been established in numerous countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and Austria.