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New Zealand: Pro-Communists Hired by Chinese Consulate Quit the Party after Learning the Facts

Nov. 25, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in New Zealand

(Minghui.org) When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited New Zealand from November 19-21, 2014, the Chinese Consulate hired hundreds of Chinese nationals to form “welcome parties” for the visit.

The groups consisted mostly of Chinese students and members of various Chinese organizations. On many occasions during the state visit, they encountered Falun Gong practitioners peacefully protesting the Communist regime's persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Paid by consulate officials and influenced by the regime's hate propaganda against Falun Gong, the welcome party were initially hostile toward Falun Gong practitioners, and many intentionally blocked practitioners' banners with pro-Communist flags.

However, after practitioners talked to them about the severity of the persecution and exposed other crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party, many became receptive. Some stopped blocking the practitioners' banners, others left the site early, and some agreed to quit the Party and its affiliated organizations.

Ms. Zhang, a practitioner volunteer who spoke with a number of pro-Communist Chinese, said, “Most of the students are very young, probably about my own children's age. Yet, they had been misled by the Party and came out to block our banners, unknowingly aiding the regime to do bad deeds. By doing so, they are harming innocent people. I am worried about their future.”

The situation began to change after Ms. Zhang and other practitioners talked with these young people, exposing the CCP's ruthless political campaigns and the brutal suppression of Falun Gong, including forcibly harvesting organs from living practitioners.

“The students lowered their heads as we spoke and listened quietly,” recounted Ms. Zhang. Two students then said to her, “Auntie, we are sorry. We shouldn't have done that.”

When the young men were asked whether they had joined any Party organizations, one student said he had joined the Communist Youth League, and another had joined the Young Pioneers. Ms. Zhang told them that a person would be blessed if they quit the Party organizations and aligned themselves with righteousness. Both young men agreed to do so.

Four other students also quit the CCP organizations with Ms. Zhang's help. “Those girls had gotten off the bus a little earlier than the other students, so I went up to greet and chat with them.” She told the young women that one should act according to one's conscience, as well as the consequences of blindly following the Chinese Consulate officials to commit wrongdoings.

All four said they had joined the Communist Youth League and agreed to withdraw from the organization.

In addition to talking with members of the welcome groups, Ms. Zhang played excerpts from the audio recording of theNine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Curious and intrigued, the noisy, boisterous students immediately quieted down and listened. After a while, several students said to Ms. Zhang, “We won't come out to do this again.”

Mr. Zhou, another practitioner, related a conversation he had with an elderly woman who was waving a Chinese Communist flag. When Mr. Zhou greeted her and said, “Ma'am, I hope you have a safe and happy future,” she was surprised and asked him what he meant. Mr. Zhou explained to her the real story of Falun Gong and exposed the Communist regime's hate propaganda. The woman nodded and said she understood.

Soon afterward, the woman had an argument with other pro-Communist supporters. In frustration and anger, she threw the flag on the ground, shouted “No more!” and left.

Practitioner Ms. Sun said that she helped 13 students and one visitor from China quit the Communist Party organizations during a peaceful protest at another location on the Chinese delegation's itinerary. “I'm glad they're now clear about what is right and what is wrong,” she said.