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Maintaining Professional Integrity Stress-Free: An Accountant's Story

Nov. 25, 2014 |   By a Dafa practitioner in Liaoning Province

(Minghui.org) I'm an accountant and would like to share some experiences I have come across at my job.

Conducting Myself According to Falun Dafa Teachings

A relative of mine and a business partner set up a company with more than 30 employees. My relative was out of town, so he didn't actually run the company. I, as the representative for his investment, am in charge of the accounting. The wife of the business partner does the bookkeeping.

My role is generally seen as keeping an eye on the business partner running the company. He didn't like the setup initially, thinking that it reflected a lack of trust from my relative.

I conducted myself according to Master Li's teaching,

“Since studying Falun Dafa, these workers have been coming to work early and going home late. They work very diligently and will do any assignment the boss gives. They also no longer compete for personal gain.” (Zhuan Falun)

We rented a deserted factory. When we first got there, we found weeds almost two meters tall. I worked alongside the employees and pulled out weeds, leveled the yard, helped build our factory building, and transported equipment.

I took the lead in all tasks no matter how dirty or physically demanding there were. This lasted for about two weeks.

The boss said to me happily one day, “You don't need to do such manual labor. Go and prepare the accounts.” He acknowledged my position as the accountant although there was hardly any office work to do at the time.

Gaining Trust with Good Credibility

I started with a salary of 1,500 yuan per month. It was not much by the standard of a full-time accountant. However, as a cultivator, I didn't mind it.

Master told us,

“...a practitioner should follow the course of nature. If something is yours, you will not lose it. If something is not yours, you will not have it even if you fight for it.” (Zhuan Falun)

The bookkeeper had no experience in accounting, logistics or office management. So I patiently taught her all I knew. In fact, I did most of the work.

The boss assigned me to be in charge of procurement for the cafeteria after the company went into full operation. The boss and I gradually teamed up. He is charge of sales and marketing; I am responsible for almost all the administration, including accounting, part of bookkeeping, logistics and office management. His wife rarely came to the company.

The boss and I hold the two keys to the company's safe. Now we fully trust each other. The boss would seek my opinions on major issues, and we work very well as a team.

He said he hopes that I can refer more Falun Dafa practitioners to the company. The boss is very capable, honest, and kind. The company runs very well and expanded quickly. I was in charge of the accounting of all the business divisions, and my compensation grew naturally.

Validating Dafa at My Job

I meet a lot of people at my job, which created an environment for me to validate Dafa. Purchasing and sourcing raw materials are usually considered lucrative jobs. Many vendors initially offered me kickbacks, but I would tell them that I practice Falun Dafa and politely decline.

When I was settling an account with a raw material provider who was also an alcoholic, I needed to give him 10 yuan but couldn't find change. He told me not to worry about it. I replied that I must not take advantage of him. I asked him to break a 100 yuan bill so I could give him the 10.

He said I was different than others. I told him I practice Falun Dafa and would never take advantage of others. As I understand it, if I do so, I would lose virtue. I also told him about the corruption of the Chinese Communist Party and the danger moral degeneration would bring to people. He happily agreed to quit the Communist Party.

I also told him that drinking was bad for his health and asked him to recite “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” Each time I saw him after that, he would shout, “Falun Dafa is good!” He looks so much better and more energetic, and I no longer see him holding an alcohol bottle.

One year, he asked me for ten Shen Yun DVDs and said, “It's truly wonderful. I'll show it to my relatives and friends. If everyone practices Falun Dafa, society would be so much better!” Shen Yun Performing Arts is a classical Chinese dance company based in the United States.

There are many cases like this. As time goes on, the businessmen I deal with realize that I'm truly an honest person who isn't swayed by personal gains. When they see other people who try to offer me kickbacks, they say, “He practices Falun Dafa. He won't do that…”

In today's society, many people may think that I'm foolish because I don't go for personal gains. But I know very well that “There are spiritual beings three feet above one’s head!” (Zhuan Falun)

Everything we do is recorded, and one must pay his debts. By conducting myself according to Dafa principles, I feel care free, open and relaxed. At the same time, I don't lose anything that is supposed to be mine.

Thank you, Master Li! Thank you, Falun Dafa!