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In Rescuing My Husband, I Realized I Must Always Keep My Thoughts Righteous

Nov. 25, 2014 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Heilongjiang Province

(Minghui.org) Master recently kept giving me hints. When I meditated, I saw a large field of mature sorghum. I realized that Master hoped that I would mature as soon as possible. I thought this over based on the Fa and realized that I had a mission that I hadn't completed.

My husband, also a practitioner, was given a heavy sentence for intercepting cable television signals to counter the Communist regime's broadcast of hate propaganda against Falun Gong. He had been imprisoned for ten years, and I knew it was time for me to get him out.

Eliminating Resentment and the Competitive Mentality

On August 4, 2013, I went to the city where he was imprisoned. The temperature was about 36-38C (97-100F) every day, and I found it hard to breathe as soon as I entered the city.

Master said,

"Because of this body, everyday people will encounter this problem: They cannot stand being cold, hot, thirsty, hungry, or tired, and yet they will still have birth, old age, illness, and death. In any case, one will not be comfortable." (Lecture Nine in Zhuan Falun)

I thought, “I am a cultivator walking on the path of a divine being!” With this thought, I felt a cool breeze.

On August 5, after sending righteous thoughts, I went to the prison. I talked to an officer at the gate and asked to talk to the warden. The officer refused to contact him no matter what I said, so I left. I read the Fa, sent righteous thoughts, and looked inward to see why this happened. I realized that I had resentment.

I went to the prison again the next day. When the officer still refused to contact the warden, I said, “If you refuse to contact the warden, tomorrow I'll stand out here with a big sign.” He then pointed me to the person in charge of the visitors' room.

Instead of thanking him, I got angry: “The weather is so hot, why didn’t you tell me right away?” As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I realized that I'd forgotten that I was a practitioner. Isn’t hardship a good thing? How can I save lives if I don't have compassion? As soon as I remembered this, I calmed down.

The woman in charge of the visitors' room contacted the warden, but he refused to see me. My anger flared up again. I tried to calm down, but my anger kept bubbling up. I was so upset that I had to leave and adjust my thoughts.

Why was I encountering so many frustrations? When I examined myself, I discovered that I did not place saving lives as my first priority, and I did not have strong righteous thoughts. Because of that, the old forces got in my way. Because of that, I was not allowed to visit my husband, and the warden didn't want to see me.

Master clearly saw my situation and gave me a hint. I understood that Master had arranged people to help me.

While I was sending righteous thoughts at 6 p.m., I saw a dark thing coming towards me. When it got to my window, it turned into a whirlwind and entered my room, carrying sand and dust with it. The sand stung like needles. I asked Master for help and kept sending righteous thoughts. I shouted, “The Fa rectifies the cosmos, the evil is completely eliminated!" It took about two to three minutes before the twister stopped. My body and bed were covered with sand. This evil thing really came for me, and I immediately looked inside for the reason. I found I still had resentment and hatred.

The next morning, my right ribs were swollen and painful, and my whole body was covered with a red dots. I felt as if I had been wounded. I couldn't raise my head or lift my legs. I asked Master for strength and rejected the persecution. I said, “I came to save lives, and I refuse to acknowledge any persecution forced on me.”

I sent righteous thoughts for a long time and then started reading the Fa. I looked inside again. I found that I was still impatient and sometimes went to extremes. Isn’t harboring resentment lacking compassion? I should correct myself. I must walk well the path arranged by Master and truly change myself from inside. I must examine every thought, and I must cultivate myself to achieve the compassion that can melt evil.

With Strong Righteous Thoughts, Things Will Go Smoothly

On August 7, I went to the visitors' room again. The woman said, “Didn't I tell you you're are not allowed to see him? Why did you come back?” I said, “I've traveled so far. If you don’t let me see him, I won't leave. If you refuse to let me see him, I'll stand outside with a big sign.”

The woman asked, “Do you practice Falun Gong?” While I wondered how to answer her indirectly, she asked again, “I'm asking you, do you practice Falun Gong?” I then answered loudly, “Yes, I practice Falun Gong!” Before I said anything further she picked up the phone and called. She said to the other person, “She's so old. Why isn’t she allowed to see her husband? You should let her see him.”

I knew that as long as we are righteous, Master’s Fashen and righteous gods will help us. In about ten minutes, they let me see my husband.

He was in good condition. He told me that he was with three other practitioners in their 70s who had just resumed practicing Falun Gong. Even though the authorities offered to reduce their sentences if they stopped practicing, they refused. Because the police were there and listening to everything we said, I could only tell him to be kind to everyone.

When the visitation time ended, the police hung up the monitoring phone first. I quickly told my husband, “You need to get out. You need to write a report to demand your release.” He said that it would be useless. I told him, “Write it anyway. You need to leave.” He seemed to understand.

While I was doing the exercises that night, Master showed me a scene that looked very real. I saw my husband standing at the opening of a very deep cave, holding a golden haired puppy. The sun was shining into the cave and illuminating him. There were stairs in the cave leading to the opening. As he held the puppy, he was about to step on the stairs. The vision was very clear.

I wondered, “What hint was Master giving me?” I thought it meant that Master was telling me to rescue my husband quickly. The hint was that there are many practitioners still imprisoned, and we need to cooperate in our efforts to clarify the truth and to rescue the practitioners from prison.

On August 8, I went to the visitors' room again. The woman asked, “Why are you here again?” I told her that I wanted to talk to the division head. She dialed the division head and handed me the phone. The division head told me that he didn't want to see me. I told him that I wanted to give him a letter. He said that I could give the letter to the woman in charge of the visitors' room and she would give the letter to him later.

I also wanted to give a letter to the warden. With some effort I found the his name, and I went to the visitors' room again. The woman asked me why I returned. I said I wanted to talk to the warden this time. She told me he had just transferred to this prison and didn't want to see anyone yet.

I then asked to talk to the division head instead. The woman dialed the division head, who told me that he really had no time but he had already read the letter I had left for him. He said he believed what I wrote was true.

On August 11, when I was sending righteous thoughts at midnight, the evil started to interfere again. There was thunder and lightning outside. I saw lightning come in through the windows, while the thunder rumbled over my head. With my eyes closed I kept sending righteous thoughts. Suddenly, a huge thunderbolt exploded over my head, and I felt as though I had been struck. I begged Master for protection. Several seconds passed. I felt that Master helped me and eliminated my karma. I sincerely thanked Master–Master endured on behalf of his disciple again.

The first round of the rescue work was basically done, and the next step needed more time, so I returned home.

This experience made me discard an ordinary notion that had influenced me for a few decades: “Build the dam before the flood comes." For an ordinary person, this notion isn't wrong. For a cultivator, however, it's not right. Master taught us:

"Sometimes when you folks think about an issue you form a type of habit--'I want to do such and such thing… here's how I'm going to do this thing… here's how I'm going to do that thing.' You ponder over it a lot and, well, to the point that you feel you've covered everything in a satisfactory way. But when you get down to doing that thing, the real, actual situations can vary in a lot of ways and your plan won't actually work (laughs). And when it doesn't work, you start to ponder it again. That's not how you should do things. Have righteous thoughts! However you think something should be handled, just go ahead and do it, and when you run into problems you will naturally know how to solve them. If your righteous thoughts are strong, everything will work out smoothly and it's guaranteed you'll do well.” ("Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference")

From this experience I realized that no matter what I do, I must not forget to save lives and cultivate myself. Through this experience I understood that truly believing in Master and the Fa is to do everything as Master taught us.

The reason a god can move a mountain is because he does not have ordinary people’s notions. A god is all-powerful and does not think like an ordinary person. When I looked at myself, I realized that I was held back by ordinary people’s mentalites. I must cultivate myself to discard ordinary people’s notions to achieve righteous thoughts! And I must strive to be worthy of Master's compassionate salvation.

Please point out any of my mistakes.