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People Change Once They Understand the Truth

Nov. 26, 2014 |   By Ying Chun, a practitioner from Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) I'm an elderly woman who was fortunate to become a Falun Dafa practitioner in 1997. I would like to tell the world what I have witnessed, including how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes practitioners who live by the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance and their efforts to awaken the Chinese people's conscience.

Learning the Facts Changed a Boy Bent on Revenge

I was taking care of my 90-year-old father in the hospital in October 2008. I saw a strange looking 18-year-old boy in another room. He had a mohawk haircut, with spiked yellow hair, and his hands and upper body were bandaged. He was stabbed seven times during a fight. Given his appearance, I didn't want to clarify the facts to him, but decided to talk to the man in the bed across from him. I helped this man and his family quit the CCP. Shortly after, the man said that his pain had lessened. I then told the facts to the young man's mother and she also quit the CCP.

The woman, an entrepreneur, and her husband couldn't control their son. I asked her softly, “Would your son listen to me?” She shook her head and said, “I doubt it.” The boy's painkillers had worn off and he started cursing. He swore that he would take revenge and kill his enemies. I was shocked, and realized that this was a sign for me to tell him about Falun Dafa.

I moved to his bedside and said, “Son, be quiet. You should never talk like that, and not even have such thoughts.” I told him,“Gods are watching our thoughts and actions. How many of those characters in movies, television series or novels that were involved in killing have had a good ending? A son has to pay his father's debts. Future generations would have to suffer for your actions.” He stopped complaining about the pain and started listening.

I continued, “The Tiananmen Self-immolation was a television show. I guarantee kids as smart as you could recognize this. Son, you're not bad, it is the society that has gone bad, and you have made some wrong choices regarding your friends. You should quit the Young Pioneers, sincerely recite 'Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good,' and remain aloof of your bad friends, find a Falun Dafa book to read, and it would be even better if you started practicing it.”

The boy's mom added, “I know someone who is practicing Falun Dafa. I can find the book and I wonder if he want's to read it.” The boy agreed and his mom looked at her son with tears in her eyes. Obviously, she could not believe that her son had changed into another person in such a short time. The boy's pain was gone, and he kept saying, “Thank you granny. Thank you granny.” I said, “You should thank my Master, as it is He who wanted me to treat you like this. If you want happiness forever, be sure to learn Falun Dafa.” He said that he would read the book first.

Everyone in the room witnessed the boy's change and agreed that it was rather dramatic.

Police Hide When Gray-haired Older Lady Shouted

In spring 1999 I took part in doing the Falun Dafa group exercises in the city hall square in our area. Police sprayed smelly water on practitioners sitting in meditation. A passing-by gray-haired lady saw it and shouted, “Are you animals? Weren't you raised as a human?” Immediately all police officers abandoned their formation and hid between the vehicles and the spraying stopped. None of the practitioners moved, or made a sound. When they were finished, the practitioners did the standing exercises.

The next morning, the police pumped water out of the pond and emptied it behind practitioners who were sitting in meditation. They also forced the landscape employees to sweep the water toward practitioners. Practitioners' shoes and bags drifted away, but nobody moved until the end of the exercises.

The next morning after that incident, several of us arrived earlier at the practice site and clarified the facts to the people who pushed the water toward us. Some borrowed Zhuan Falun after learning the truth. There was one individual who said something against Falun Dafa. He suffered severe abdominal pain and had to undergo surgery a few days later. There were no more bad remarks because they all feared retribution.

The police then used high-pitched loudspeakers. I thought, “Let the noise stay outside of the practice site; all I can hear is the exercise music.” It indeed worked. After the practice, I shared my experience with fellow practitioners. They tried it the next day and it worked for them too. Practitioners from other practice sites then joined us, as well as some spectators. Some government employees told their family, “It looks like Falun Dafa is undefeatable.”

After the incident, three of us elderly women went to the Petition Office to report the incident. The office staff said, “It must have been a fluke accident when they were watering plants.” They wanted to get rid of us as soon as possible. I said, “Have you heard about anyone watering plants at 3 a.m.?” They finally believed us. After half an hour of telling them the facts, the head of the office walked us to the main entrance. Two days later, he came to our practice site. He walked right through the middle. I told myself, “He's here to inspect.”

Head of Police Station Tries to Sit in the Lotus Position

A few elderly practitioners and I went to Beijing in the spring of 2000 to appeal for the right to practice Falun Dafa. We were arrested and taken to the office of the railway station police. We talked about Falun Dafa to the police and told them that there was no existing law that banned Falun Dafa. A practitioner talked of the benefits she received from practicing Dafa, and another demonstrated the exercises.

Watching the demonstration, the officer who appeared to be the head of the office tried to cross his legs into the lotus position, but couldn't do it. I told him, “This position is not the most difficult part of the practice. The most difficult is cultivating yourself into a better person and not fighting back when being punched or insulted. Besides, one looks inside for one's faults and does not get upset with others.” He said, “I really admire practitioners' mindset.” It was obvious that he regretted having made a phone call to our local authorities.

Elderly Woman Excited to Find Practitioner

We have been clarifying the facts to people since the onset of the persecution. We have talked face-to-face to people and persuaded them to quit the CCP. Sometimes, people are too scared to accept our amulets. I feel sorry that they are not brave enough to listen to the facts about Falun Dafa. At the same time, I look inside to examine where I have fallen short, send forth righteous thoughts and ask Master to strengthen me. I think, “Let those with predestined relationships quit the CCP quickly.” I believe that as long as I'm telling people the facts, things will improve.

I offer the amulet first, and then tell the person that they will be blessed by sincerely chanting the words inscribed on it, “Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good, and it will keep you safe.” I then tell them, “Quit the CCP, Youth League and Young Pioneers, as they will be destroyed by the heavens. You took an oath to give your life to the CCP when you joined it. You can either use your real name or an alias to quit. ” Many have quit.

I went to the market three years ago to clarify the truth and persuade people to quit the CCP. An elderly woman said, “My entire family works for the civil service and all joined the Party. We have read Dafa materials, but we don't know how to quit.” I told her that I could help her. She said, “My family was talking about this for days and we were worried for not knowing how to quit. I have now run into you first thing this morning.” She then told me the names of her family.

I asked that her family recite Falun Dafa is good and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good. I then told her that with quitting the CCP and reciting these words would secure her family's safety.

I asked if she wanted software to unblock the Internet blockade. She said, “Great! We have several computers at home. My children will now be able to find all that you told me at home.” I asked her to also tell her friends and relatives.

“I Have Finally Found Someone to Save Me.”

I went to the public bath house in the spring of last year. In the changing room, I helped a woman quit the CCP and I was ready to leave. A younger woman came in, so I offered her an amulet and told her to recite “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I continued, “If you quit the Party, Youth League and Young Pioneers in front of the Gods, you will be saved.” She suddenly hugged me and said, “I have finally found someone to save me.”

I asked why she would say that, and she responded, “My sister-in-law called me from far away and told me to go to places such as parks everyday and wait to be saved. She said she couldn't say more for security reasons and told me to do as told. After that I have been going out everyday to wait for someone to save me. I finally ran into you.” She hugged me again and said, “Finally I will be saved. My entire family will be saved.” I said, “The one who can really save you is my Master. I am just the messenger.” I helped her entire family quit the CCP and its affiliates. I then gave her a Shen Yun DVD and software to unblock the Internet blockade.