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Practicing and Believing in Falun Dafa Brings Immense Benefits

Nov. 26, 2014 |   By a practitioner from Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa is a unique cultivation practice, which brings immense benefits to those who practice it, and those who believe in its goodness despite the unprecedented persecution in China.

For example, I knew of a cancer patient who was given Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Dafa, and was taught the five exercises of the practice. She looked better and her appetite improved after learning it.

She moved to another county to be with her parents and we lost touch. Her sister-in-law called me after a few months and said that she was dying.

I visited her and was told that painkillers and acupuncture no longer provided relief. She had a difficult time eating, even the softest food.

She told me that she got angry at someone after she arrived there. I realized that was most likely the main reason for the return of her illness.

I cited a sentence from Zhuan Falun, “Not only shouldn't you be angry at him, you should thank him from the bottom of your heart.” I also told her that taking medication pressed the illness back into the body. I then read Zhuan Falun to her.

That night she did not feel any pain. The cancer lump had shrunk by the next day, and disappeared by the evening, and her appetite returned.

An elderly lady cried and said, “I wish I had heard about such a wonderful practice earlier, so my son would still be alive. He had lung cancer.”

An elderly man was also diagnosed with lung cancer and could not get a good night's sleep because of coughing. He asked me to teach him the exercises. He finished the second exercise and he slept soundly that night.

His story was another breaking news in that town. My host family worried for my safety, because of the persecution and because there was a police station nearby. She persuaded me to leave.

I turned to Falun Dafa at the end of 2002 because I had not found help from any hospital, doctor, qigong practice, and so on, for my long list of illnesses, including headache, asthma, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease and low back pain.

It was almost impossible to find the book Zhuan Falun at the time because of the ongoing persecution. We were lucky enough to find one, but it took my husband and I another year to step into the practice. We were busy with our new business and we also held doubts because of our experience with a fake qigong.

Memorizing Was Difficult

I started to recite Hong Yin II in 2004, a book of verses written by the founder of Falun Dafa. It took me many days just to remember two poems. Yet, my daughter who was preparing for her college entry exam said, “Mom, are you still trying to memorize these two? I can recite them because I heard them so many times from you.” She then recited them.

I finally had the poems from Hong Yin II down pat and started to read Essentials for Further Advancement, a book also published by the founder of Falun Dafa. It took a while to recite it from memory.

Looking Within

I used to suffer life-threatening asthma attacks and couldn't move, sleep, or eat during those times. The attacks became less frequent, shortly after I practiced Dafa, and I had stopped taking medication.

Feeling better didn't last and I again had asthma attacks. I was uneasy and took medication, but it did not help. After deciding that my husband and I should return to our hometown I felt much better.

I experienced many obstacles when telling people about Falun Dafa, but I never gave up. Yet, I still had asthma attacks. Therefore I looked inwards. I thought that I was polite, generous, honest and without any bad thoughts. I studied the Falun Dafa books diligently, talked to people about Falun Dafa and sent righteous thoughts. Most of all I was without fear. Yet, the asthma came and went. I thought I should indeed do more Dafa tasks.

My husband said, “You have to fundamentally correct your thoughts. Clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa is for saving people, not for healing illness. It comes from compassion.” I responded that I did not have any bad thoughts. He said that although I did not clearly think that way, I had hidden thoughts that I needed to get rid of.

Hearing these words helped me change and my asthma got better. This made me recall the consequences of unintentional words. I had joked around and said things that would have been better left unsaid. They were without compassion and were mixed with self boasting. I now intentionally cultivated myself in that area.I didn't succeed immediately and at one time I got angry at another practitioner. I knew as a practitioner I should not get angry, and I should keep a pure heart. I felt great remorse and said to my husband, “I dare not damage Dafa. I really feel terrible.”

He saw my pain and said, “I know you are overloaded. You have been strong, despite asthma attacks. You went to the countryside and clarified the truth about Falun Dafa face-to-face. Cultivation isn't easy, but we should try to endure it.”

Conflicts with the practitioner lessened. Even when they occurred, my heart was not moved, and I no longer had asthma attacks.