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Daqing City Accountant and Husband Detained for over Two Months

Nov. 3, 2014

(Minghui.org) A couple in their 60's was recently arrested for being Falun Gong practitioners in the city of Daqing. Because she told people in her neighborhood about Falun Gong, Ms. Gao Xiulan was taken away by Chengfeng Police Department officers, who then proceeded to arrest her husband Zhao Chengxiao. They ransacked her home, confiscating computers and other valuables. While they were held in the Daqing City Third Detention Center and First Detention Center, Ms. Gao developed hypertension and skin ulcers.

Ms. Gao is a hardworking accountant. At a young age, she suffered from severe neurogenic migraines. The migraines were so intense that she could not work or take care of her family. Years of medical treatment did not help. So many times her son was in tears watching his mother suffer, leading him to want to become a doctor when he grew up. As Ms. Gao got older, she developed other health problems that brought her even more suffering.

After Ms. Gao started practicing Falun Gong in 1998, her illnesses disappeared. Joy returned to her life, and the family lived in harmony. Her husband Mr. Zhao also started practicing Falun Gong. Her son completed medical school and eventually married and had a son of his own. Ms. Gao, who was now in good health, helped take care of her grandson all the way until elementary school.

Now the couple, in their 60's, have been detained for over two months. Their family are worried sick. Ms. Gao's grandson misses her so much that he searches for her constantly throughout the house.