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Woman Threatened with Prison Sentence for Telling People How Falun Gong Returned Her to Health

Nov. 3, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) Once unable to look after herself, Ms. Wang Xiuying (王秀英) rebounded from severe neurosis shortly after she began to practice Falun Gong in 2006.

Knowing that the Chinese Communist Party had been slandering Falun Gong in order to deceive people, Ms. Wang, a resident of Jimo City, felt it was her responsibility to speak out. She visited nearby villages and told people about her personal experience of practicing Falun Gong.

Such simple acts, however, made Ms. Wang a target of persecution. She was first arrested in 2012 and taken to Wangcun Labor Camp. The police forced her husband to pay them about 50,000 yuan before she was released.

The second arrest happened on July 12, 2014. Ms. Wang was reported to the police while talking to people about Falun Gong in Lijialin Village, located north of Jimo City. She held a hunger strike in Pudong Detention Center to protest the arrest, but was force-fed instead. She was detained for 15 days before she returned home.

Torture Illustration: Force-feeding

Two months later, Ms. Wang was arrested for a third time and sent to Pudong Detention Center again. The police threatened her and her family that she would be given at least four years in prison.