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Woman Arrested for Staging a Public Protest Requesting Husband's Release

Nov. 4, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) A Longkou, Shandong woman recently staged a public protest requesting her husband's release, who was arrested back in August for his belief in Falun Gong.

Ms. Wu Manping (吴曼萍)'s efforts to rescue her husband landed her in Xinjia Police Station, where she still remains captive. The local procuratorate has approved the formal arrest of her husband Mr. Yin Xiangyang (尹向阳), which means that he faces trial and imprisonment.

Ms. Wu, who is in her 60s and also a practitioner, went to protest outside the southeast entrance of the Longkou City government compound in the early morning of October 27. She raised a placard requesting the authorities to release her husband.

Ms. Wu Manping holding up a placard

A security guard dashed out from his office and snatched away her placard. Ms. Wu shouted “Falun Dafa is good! Clear my Master's name!” She then told onlookers about the government's relentless persecution of Falun Gong.

Security guard snatches Ms. Wu's placard

Ms. Wu tells onlookers about the persecution that she has gone through

After taking away the placard, the same guard attempted to seize Ms. Wu's banner with the words “Falun Dafa is good”. She held onto the banner with all her strength and engaged in a tug of war with the guard. The guard eventually gave up, took out a cell phone and started to record her for about 10 minutes.

Guard records Ms. Wu

The guard subsequently called the Xinjia police station, and four officers arrived in a car. They dragged her into the car and took her to back to Xinjia Police Station.

Ms. Wu and her husband are well known in their hometown of Liujia Village, Longkou City for being honest farmers and good community members. However, Mr. Yin has been repeatedly arrested and tortured in the past 15 years, ever since the Chinese Communist regime launched its persecution campaign against Falun Gong in 1999.

Yin Xiangyang's most recent arrest took place on August 24, when officers from Donglai Police Station took him away because he told people about the persecution. He has been illegally held at Longkou Detention Center since then.

Parties responsible for Ms. Wu's arrest:

Xinjia Police Station: +86-535-8788993Donglai Police Station: +86-535-8799510