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Falun Gong Brings Diversity to Parade Before the G20 Summit in Australia

Nov. 4, 2014 |   By Minghui correspondent Chen Xinning

(Minghui.org) In preparation for the upcoming G20 Summit in mid-November, host city Brisbane held a series of celebration events. Falun Gong practitioners were part of the parade held on November 1, and their presentation of oriental traditions was welcomed by locals in a city known for its multiculturalism.

Over 100 groups participated in Brisbane on Parade, held at South Bank of Brisbane, the third largest city in Australia. Practitioners impressed spectators with an exercise demonstration, traditional Chinese costumes, as well as their dragon dance and waist drum performances.

Practitioners performing at Brisbane on Parade

“I loved it! It's so beautiful and colorful!” said Mafe, a lady from Columbia who currently lives in Brisbane. She was watching the event with her nephew and niece. “It is breathtaking to see something so great. And I can tell they have put lots of effort in it. It's amazing!”

Dragon team performance by the practitioners

Peter, a restaurant patron, saw the performance and came out to take pictures. “This is awesome,” he said, “especially the dragon team, with lots of energy in it.”

Cathy pointed out her favorite part, “The costumes were just stunning and glorious.” Her friend agreed, “Very beautiful, very elegant.”

Mary and her husband, who came from Sunshine Coast for a performing arts event in Brisbane, were pleased to see the parade. Mary pointed out, “This is a democratic society and everyone is able to have his or her own opinion. Plus your group is very peaceful.”

Local resident Joanne also praised the practitioners' performance, “The costumes are beautiful. It's so serene. Just lovely.” She supported the peaceful appeal by the practitioners, “We have freedom of speech here, and not a lot of countries have that. This is the beauty of Australia.”

Impressed by the practitioners, several people became interested in learning the exercises. One of them was Thy, a school teacher who saw her student demonstrating the gentle exercise movements in the parade. She gave her student a big hug, “You look great! I want to learn this too.”

Crystelle, an immigrant from France, watched the parade with her family. “I am a school teacher and I went to the Art of Zhen, Shan, Ren International Exhibition at Brisbane several months ago.” She started to learn the exercises soon after at a nearby group practice site.

“I am so happy to see practitioners in the parade here today,” she said, “The G20 Leaders Summit is a good opportunity for people to find out about the severe human rights violations in China.”

Louise Stevanovic, a practitioner volunteer who organized the performance, told the Minghui correspondent,“We want people to know that Falun Dafa is a beautiful and peaceful practice. It was banned in China. But when you see people walking through in a parade, happy, smiling, and cheerful, you will get a sense about what the practice is. It just make no sense at all why China persecutes it.”