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Deny the Persecution with Righteous Thoughts

Nov. 8, 2014 |   By a practitioner from China

(Minghui.org) The persecution got worse in 2000, and our local coordinator was illegally arrested. Our city was responsible for providing informational materials about Falun Gong for other nearby cities, so I established a production site in my home. I got very busy and didn't study the Fa much. I mistook doing things as cultivation practice.

My husband and I and our two children are all Falun Gong practitioners, and the CCP placed me on the list of “stubborn” practitioners in our city. My husband was frightened. I told him, “Don't be afraid. We will be fine with Master's protection.”

One evening, a practitioner called me and told me the police had come and destroyed our material production site. The police were also monitoring my home phone. Four officers came to my home and dragged me to the police station. They said they were waiting for me: “We know everything that you've been doing. We know who sent the materials to your home, who has the key to your home, and who your contacts are. We have the video here. If you cooperate with us, you can go home. If not, we'll sentence you to eight or ten years. ”

My heart wasn't moved. As a practitioner I wasn't afraid of anything because I have Master and the Fa. I said pleasantly, “Please do not persecute practitioners. We are all good people and we haven't done anything wrong. We do everything we can to save people. Please let me know if I haven't done well.”

They knew I wouldn't tell them anything, so they went away and discussed what to do about me. Then they asked me if I had any health issues. I realized that they wanted to torture me, so I said, “I used to have heart disease but I became healthy after I began practicing.” They decided not to torture me.

I was transferred to a detention center in another city. Three days later, four officers interrogated me. They asked me who I was in contact with and where I got the materials. I didn't answer. I told them Falun Gong asked us to be good people and told them that Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance was good. They didn't listen. I was handcuffed and they hit my head and face.

I started looking inward. I realized that I did not study the Fa well and hadn't cultivated myself. I started a hunger strike and decided to do well and let people know how amazing Falun Dafa is. I helped the other people in the cell wash their dishes. I also mopped the floor and washed their clothes. I felt Master was there beside me.

After six days, the others in the cell said Falun Dafa was miraculous. I wrote a letter to the head of the detention center. Center officials visited me after reading the letter. They asked me not to be upset and said that they would help me go home. On the 17th day, I was released.

In the winter of 2008, a practitioner brought some materials to my home. Afterwards, my home was ransacked by police. My computers and other devices were taken, and I was arrested. My husband was upset and was sure I wouldn't be released this time.

One officer grabbed my hair and dragged me into a room, threw me on the floor, and kicked my head hard. However, I did not feel the pain. I knew Master was protecting me.

Master told us:

“Of course, we don't acknowledge any of the things that the old forces arranged--I as your master don't acknowledge them, and Dafa disciples of course don't acknowledge them either.” (“Teaching the Fa at the 2004 Chicago Conference”)

I sent forth righteous thoughts and eliminated the evil. That evening, the officer who beat me started to accuse me and told me he wouldn't release me. He threatened to send me to jail.

I wasn't afraid. I felt very sorry for the two young officers. I told them, “My children, don't persecute practitioners. They are all good people. You're young, you shouldn't do bad things. Do yourself a favor and treat others nicely. You are still so young. Please remember 'Falun Dafa is good,' and you will have a good future.” They were moved.

The next day, four officers wanted to take me for a medical exam. I sent forth righteous thoughts. They couldn't lift or move me, so they told the doctor to come to the detention center. The doctor said, “She has high blood pressure. Don't touch her--send her to the hospital ASAP.” The head of detention center said, “Tell her family to pick up her.” I was released with Master's blessing.