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Lack of Evidence Postpones Medical Worker's Trial Three Times

Nov. 8, 2014 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A medical worker in Baoding, Hebei Province saw her trial delayed three times due to lack of evidence from the Procuratorate. Ms. Kong Hongyun (孔红云) is being tried for her belief in Falun Gong, a self-cultivation practice persecuted by the Chinese Communist regime.

Ms. Kong's trial began on February 12, when the prosecutor requested that the judge postpone the hearing because his witness failed to appear. On June 11, the prosecutor filed a second request to delay the trial. The trial resumed on September 3 but was adjourned almost immediately due to lack of evidence and absence of the prosecution witness.

Ms. Kong Hongyun

Ms. Kong's defense lawyer Cheng Hai argued that (1) there is no legal basis for charging Ms. Kong for practicing and distributing information about Falun Gong, (2) there is no credible evidence that Ms. Kong harmed other people or society, and (3) Xinshi District Procuratorate still couldn't provide sufficient evidence seven months after the trial began. He asserted that by law, Ms. Kong's case must be dismissed.

Mr. Cheng said he also plans to file complaints against Procuratorate and police personnel for dereliction of duty. He said, “According to Article 399 of the New Code of Criminal Procedure, those who knowingly prosecute innocent defendants will be charged with dereliction of duty.”

Ms. Kong, 42, started practicing Falun Gong in 2006. She had since been repeatedly arrested and detained for her belief. She was sentenced to three years in prison after her arrest in March 2008. Six officers ransacked her home on September 19, 2011 and sent her to a detention center. One year later, she was arrested while visiting a relative.

On May 18, 2013, she was arrested while talking to people on the streets about Falun Gong. She was released after being detained for ten days.

Most recently, she was arrested on January 4, 2014 after being reported to police. As part of the persecution campaign, authorities encourage the public to report fellow citizens who practice or speak out about Falun Gong.

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