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Principal Survives Accident after Quitting the CCP

Nov. 8, 2014 |   By Xinmei

(Minghui.org) I went to Beijing to petition the government after the persecution of Falun Gong began. I was arrested and held in a detention center. I was placed on administrative leave after I was released, and the principal was assigned to watch me. He often came to my home, and I talked to him about Falun Gong.

At first, he didn't dare to listen and would quickly change the subject. One day, I told him that I was touched by what a factory manager had said. He asked me what that was, and I replied, “She said she had earned many awards and thought she was a role model and a good person. But after reading Zhuan Falun, she understood that what she did before was totally wrong.”

That got the principal's attention. He asked, “Is that book really that powerful?” I replied, “It is a divine book. People have changed completely after reading it.” He asked me to find him a copy. I gave him oneandplayed the DVD Courageous Journey Between Heaven and Earth. Pleased, he took the book and left my home.

The principal had a second job purchasing grain. In school, he often bragged that he cheated with the weights when making a purchase. If any teacher frowned on what he did, he took the opportunity to complain about the whole society – he felt what he did was a small crime compared to those of really corrupt officials.

He returned Zhuan Falun to me ten days later and exclaimed, “This book is so great. I understand the principle that good will be rewarded and evil will be punished. I will do more good things to accumulate virtue. I will practice Falun Gong with you after I retire.”

I knew he was afraid of the Communist Party and didn't dare to practice then, so I didn't push him. I told him that he would be protected if he withdraws his membership in the Party and its affiliated organizations. He agreed and quit using an alias.

He changed after that: he didn't scold or fuss at his teachers, and he helped teachers in need. Other villagers said he stopped cheating on weighing the grain. He also told other teachers that Falun Gong was good. He spoke up for me when Party personnel came to inquire about me.

The principal rode his electric bicycle to school one afternoon in the fall of 2008. He had been drinking at lunch and was speeding. He didn't notice a depression in the sandy road ahead of him. He was thrown off the bike onto the road. He weighed about 200 pounds and had high blood pressure. He lost consciousness right away.

People in the field gathered around him as he came to and slowly sat up. They suggested that he go to a hospital. He felt himself all over and didn't feel any pain, so he continued his ride to school.

After going home, he told his wife, “I have high blood pressure and felt so bad. I would have died without the protection of Falun Gong.” He told me what had happened and expressed his appreciation for Falun Gong.